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So I have a handful of borrowed sequences... what now?


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So I'm going to run a 32channel setup this first year.


I've been given and have found quite a few sequences but of course most of them have many more channels than me.


Anybody have a way they approach borrowed sequences and tailoring them to your own needs?

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Good question, Iam in the same boat as you.  also wanted to add my new RGB floods to the sequences and got some help on here, but modifying a sequence is still a learning project for me .  Does anyone out there have a step by step on how to modify a pre-made sequence?

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Some things you may be able to cut and paste such as a set of mini trees or arches.  If you have your visualizer set up you can paste different things in your sequence and then play it to see what it looks like.  If you don't like it just undo and try something else.


Nothing is going to match your set up.  You will have to do some of the sequencing yourself just not all of it.


The biggest thing you can get from a borrowed sequence are the timing marks.

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My suggestion would be to really look over the sequences you have and eliminate the controllers/channels you do not need. All you do is right click on the channel and select delete channel for all 16 channels of that controller. For example if the sequences you have include arches and you do not have them yet do not include them. Also see what effects the sequences have in them and think about what lights/areas you have to work with. You may find that the first two controllers of those sequences do enough and look good enough to just use those and you can delete the others you don't need. You can save this new modified sequence and name it whatever you want and still have the current sequences for future use and more borrowing of effects later. Of course if the first 32 channels look good you can leave the sequence as is and only the controllers connected in your network will respond. I don't think all channels in SE need to have an active controller for the sequence to play but others here can answer that. The other option is and I see no shame in it is to buy some sequences from LOR sequence store as they are for up to 48 channels. Yes doing your own sequence will be much more tailored to your display but until you get more comfortable sequencing it may be easier to use some of those LOR sequences this year and concentrate on building any props you plan to have and gathering lights. My first two years I only had 1 controller and ran 5-6 LOR sequences and got great responses from family and friends.


Good luck and enjoy!


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I open the borrowed sequence in SE then open a NEW sequence using my channel configuration, then I can copy from the borrowed to my sequence using what I need. Then I go in and fill in with the sequence with the props I have. This is how I'm updating this years sequences from last years 64 channels to this years 112 channels. Sometimes you just have to use the borrowed sequence as inspiration for building your own. Just remember, it's your show. You will see things when you finally get to see it play on your house that will drive you crazy but 99.9% of the people watching will love what you have done.

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I open the borrowed sequence in SE then open a NEW sequence using my channel configuration, then I can copy from the borrowed to my sequence using what I need. Then I go in and fill in with the sequence with the props I have. This is how I'm updating this years sequences from last years 64 channels to this years 112 channels. Sometimes you just have to use the borrowed sequence as inspiration for building your own. Just remember, it's your show. You will see things when you finally get to see it play on your house that will drive you crazy but 99.9% of the people watching will love what you have done.

This is what I have done in the past, I would start deleting stuff out of the existing sequence. What I've don't in the past is use a sequence to build one for last year at 64 channels, now next year I have added say arches. I go to my file with the borrowed sequences, pull it up and ok yes This one did have arches so now I copy those ones into the sequence for the coming year. I have a thumb drive that I keep with current sequences, and the ones I might have borrowed stuff for them from or used as an idea

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As some folks have passed this on to me, I pass this to you. Take a sequence and add your number (in your case 32) of channels to the top of the borrowed sequence, import your channel configuration, which will add it to the top of the sequence, then just cut or copy and paste from the original sequence into your configuration, then delete the original sequence, saving the new sequence under a different name so you don't lose the original sequence.

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As some folks have passed this on to me, I pass this to you. Take a sequence and add your number (in your case 32) of channels to the top of the borrowed sequence, import your channel configuration, which will add it to the top of the sequence, then just cut or copy and paste from the original sequence into your configuration, then delete the original sequence, saving the new sequence under a different name so you don't lose the original sequence.

Only problem I ran into that is if you want to run the visualizer during the cutting and pasting you could have duplicate channels causing problems with the playback

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Im new to this as well and love messing with all the fun. I have found the first thing todo is build your display in the visualizer, where you want the ligths and channel setup. I found the sequence for the CocaCola - Holidays are coming.. and used my setup.. I have 32 channels I beleive this seq. I found had 48 + channels. But it came up as easy as plug and play..I liked the way it looked and have not changed a thing. Looks pretty cool I think anyway.


Here is what it looks like within the visualizer...


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open the borrowed sequence, then select file and open a new musical sequence using the same audio file. Now with both open simply copy and paste what you want from the borrowed one and remember to save after every thing that you change to the new one. save often or you will lose what you wanted. 

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