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First LOR show questions


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As 2014 will be my first time doing an LOR show, are there any general rules in terms of how long an entire show should run?  Number of songs?... Running time?...


I've been busy sequencing this spring and so far I have a THX intro and two songs (about 6 and a half minutes total).  I was thinking of adding two more songs (an additional 6 minutes) and calling it a show.  Is that too much, too little?  I'm starting this year with only 32 channels.  Thoughts?


Also, what are some of the general thoughts on non-Christmas songs?  I was thinking of adding one but I want the main theme to still be Christmas.  Does it take away from the overall feel of the show?




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Welcome to the madness.  If you search the forums you will find many threads discussing the length of shows, how many songs, Christmas vs. non-Christmas songs etc.  Reader's Digest version..... people run the range from a few songs to shows that run an hour or more to a different show each night.  As to non-Christmas music.  some do, some don't.... do what you and your family like!

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Hi and first welcome to the addiction! :D

It sounds like you are well on your way to having a good show. I think most people on here will tell you the length of your show depends on your location. Unless you do some serious promoting you probably won't need to worry about traffic your first year. My shows have been averaging around 22-24 minutes long with 6-8 songs and some voice overs by The Demented Elf. But at my current location I have a rather vacant parking lot across from my house so the cars can park and not need to move until they are done watching as much of the show as they want. If you don't have a very wide property that several cars can line up behind each other you may want to keep it at 4 or 5 songs. You don't want to have so many that people will sit for everyone of them and block others from stopping or cause problems with neighbors.

As far as channels go, I think 32 is a great starting point. My first two years were only 16 channels and I had a great response from family and friends.

You will probably find as many people who use non Christmas songs in their show as you find ones that only use Christmas songs. Even though I have been tempted to use non Christmas songs I have read here and agree that I'm putting on a Christmas light show. I have been and will continue to only use Christmas songs. I feel even though the other songs are fun they can be listened to all year long. This time of year most everyone, especially us over the top Christmas light enthusiasts, want to hear Christmas songs. I have nothing at all against those that use non Christmas songs, I just prefer not to. So again, it's your show so it's up to you. The most important thing is to have fun and put smiles on the kids faces so they have life long memories be it Christmas songs or non Christmas songs.




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Welcome to the world of blinky/flashy lights! Each person in here, does their own thing when it comes to the number of songs, type of songs, light effects to those songs and the overall effects they wish to do. Personally speaking, I sequence to effect or my attempt to conveigh the effect with the music. Also, I use more traditional songs whereas others use more contemporary music. Its all based upon your desire, wishes and what you want to show people. My first year, I did 28 songs but its a lot of work to accomplish. Last year, I did 35 songs and this year, I'll add one more to it. I did this many to insure that in this neighborhood, it insures that each time someone stops to watch, they'll probably hear/see a different song/light show.


If I was you, I think I would do some more songs but doing so, takes time. 32 channels to start with is good before you see the kids dancing to the lights and/or your family and friends are dazzled...then a few more lights will come into play next year!

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Thanks everyone for the responses.  You all brought up points I hadn't thought of before (parking, seeing a different song each time, etc.)


While 32 channels is fun to sequence... even now I find myself daydreaming about what I'm going to add 'next year'.  Prior to two months ago I ate lunch out a lot.  Now I find myself bringing a lunch to work so I can sequence over my lunch break.  Maybe I'll lose a few pounds in the process. 


As for songs, I'm a fan of all genres so I'm trying to do some classics along with some more modern versions.  Hopefully i'll have time to post some visualizations in the near future so I can get some feedback. 

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I run shows continuously throughout the evening. That way no matter when someone drives by there's always lights dancing to the music. I usually have 50+ songs each year, and I run different shows with different songs during the evening, so the people who stop by at the same time each night (which includes more people than you might think) usually see different sequences each time.

I'm pretty much the opposite of Al - I haven't restricted my show to only Christmas songs. I'm of the belief that most people tire of Christmas music by about December 5th or so. I don't do Christmas music synchronized to lights; what I do is Christmas lights synchronized to music. There's a difference. I actually have more non-Christmas sequences than Christmas ones. I don't feel that takes away from the time of year, or the spirit of the season in any way. My visitors, by an overwhelming margin, agree.

IMO, regardless of how many channels you have or how many songs you have (be they Christmas, TV themes, rock, classical or oldies) the single biggest difference between an excellent show and a crappy one is the sequencing.

Edited by George Simmons
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My wife's of the firm belief we should only have Christmas songs synchronized to the lights. I'm of the belief that more variety is better and I tire of Christmas music, especially come December 26th. So I'm trying to add more non-Christmas music to my show.


I'll run various shows/non-shows as well. For example, if bad weather's predicted I'll only have the lights on and not run a show. I'll try to run 12 - 18 minutes of show and do a between show animation so the shows start every 30 minutes.


Perhaps the best thing to do in the interim is try and get as many songs as you can and customize them to your display. Run different songs at different times. More family friendly early on and adult or songs with questionable lyrics more towards late evening.


You can do theme shows, etc. Whatever your taste may run or what your in the mood for. Either way, be sure its songs you enjoy for you'll be listening to it many times. And that's before its ready for your show.

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