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Anyone on here hang lights for a living?


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Hi! On top of being a xmas light nut I'm also a budding entrepreneur. I'm looking into the possibility of creating a business up here that creates custom light displays for commercial businesses and possibly look into residential work as well. I was hoping to find some people on this forum that either do this now or have done in the past that would be willing to help me out by answering some questions for me in regards to the business model either via a phone call or email it would be greatly appreciated. Expecting 96 strings of C6's to arrive any day now.  7.5 months to go!  Thanks for reading this!



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It has been discussed many times before. Can't find a thread right now, but most of them end up saying it's a lot more work than you might think and may not be worth your time.  Most people won't pay you what it is worth to sequence for them in addition to putting up the lights.  And if they don't like it they may not pay you at all!


That and if you're doing it commercially you would need all UL rated equipment  I.E. Pro series controllers which are much more expensive than PC controllers.  Also you have standard extension cords, won't be able to use SPT.  You'd have to have insurance, a bond etc.   Long story short, a lot to put into it, compared to what you would get out.  I'll see if I can find the threads for you... may take me a while.

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Thank you! I've already taken into consideration the UL rated gear. The extension cords I can wait for a sale and get them. In regards to the sequncing I wouldn't be trying to deliver a product that alot of us on these forums deliver, I'd keep it smaller and simpler, around 16ch or less and not bother to music, just a bunch of fades, chase sequences etc.  As far as the business model goes ( getting paid ) Fort Mac is a whole different creature than most of the rest of north america. Lots of expendable income up here which equals opportunites and due to the large amount of expendable income I'm pretty sure there's a market for the installation and removal of residential xmas lights as well. To give you an idea how people throw $$$ around up here people will be told that to get someone to come clean up a winters worth of 2 large dogs poopies in their yard the going rate is $100+ hr and they're happy to pay it over and over again. I just clean mine up myself,,,kinda like a spring tradition....Thanks again!



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I am also looking into a business of this type, but more along the lines of LED's to replace indoor lighting, as well as build Icicle sets as a kit (along with my current RGB DMX Waterproof Globe) that are a Kip- Plug And Play. My whole outside lighting during the year will still have floods on the house, ws2811 bulbs under the gutter, and SMD  5050 Dumb RGB Under the eves. Along with White on the 5 trees.



If you are going to do installs, you might into the purchase of a bucket lift Renting at home depot is around 170 for 4 hours :(  They used to be that cost for a day

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Thanks Kip, I was searching the net for them last night, they can be bought for relatively cheap for an older one but the risk you take is it breaking down while you're 30ft in the air in a little plastic bucket, and it's -30 deg C. Was also looking at the idea to have a the work lined up and then rent a truck and do it that way all at once.

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Yes, there are a lot of opportunities out there. However if you get into business be ready to go up against those companies that have been in business for a long time, as well as a whole slew of companies you've never heard of, quoting rock bottom prices.


Just my opinion.

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And dont forget to get insurance to cover any possible damage.

We have a place not to far from where I live. Every once in awhile they will have an auction of older used bucket trucks. Like anything of this type of thing. Kick the tire real good and once in awhile a pearl will show up.

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Yes, there are a lot of opportunities out there. However if you get into business be ready to go up against those companies that have been in business for a long time, as well as a whole slew of companies you've never heard of, quoting rock bottom prices.


Just my opinion.

Nobody up here yet. We'd be the only game in town.  :D

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  Also you have standard extension cords, won't be able to use SPT. 

Actually you can as long as it is XTW rated wire. Which is UL listed for Outdoor decorational use.

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