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My Apologies

George Simmons

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It's been a short and busy lighting season and I've had a lot of emails and PMs about stuff. I don't mind a bit and I'm always willing to share what I know. Sometimes my replies are even helpful to people.

Unfortunately, it seems as though quite a few things have fallen through the cracks this year. (Yes, you can make as many cracks about my cracks as you want.)

I've tried to catch up on things, but I'm certain there's still pics and stuff that I promised people that hasn't gotten done. If you're one of those folks, please accept my apology. And please remind me what it was I was supposed to send.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

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             I hope that we are not talking about Plumbers Crack.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

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George... I'm still waiting on all that money you said you were going to send me.  (just a friendly reminder)  I figured you've been busy and may have forgotten about that few mil you said you'd throw toward my setup for next year. :)  hehe

And a Very Happy New Years to you and yours as well! :D

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George - Thanks on behalf of all the people you have helped and the advice you have given over the years. Live long and prosper.

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