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How much storage does all of your equipment take up?...


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How much storage does all of your equipment take up?

Where do you put everything? 

How do you wrap your cables/lights so they are not tangled the next year?

What size totes do you use?


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Depends on your elements and how creative you are in maximizing your storage space.  My ball tree takes a lot of space in rafters of my garage, requires certain storage requirements.  House attic, this year, we are empty nesters, so now I have a spare bedroom.


18 gallon totes work great, manageable size and better protection than boxes.

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How much storage does all of your equipment take up?  One 10x10 storage shed, filled to the gills; one stall of a garage, and as much space as I can commandeer inside the house.

Where do you put everything?   See above...

How do you wrap your cables/lights so they are not tangled the next year? I fold up cords 15' or shorter, and wrap the cords over that length.

What size totes do you use?  I've got everything between 20 qt  totes up to and including 18 gallon ones.

Sorry - I tried to color my responses but for some reason the forum wouldn't allow it.  The place seems to be falling down around our ears here...

But now I wonder just how many responses it will allow and how long will it continue to post the responses in the same original response???

Okay - there's two responses posted in the original - shall we try for three???

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I store much of my stuff in plastic totes, some are the 18 gallon totes while others are the larger totes.  Right now, I have stuff scattered between the basement storage room, the shed, and the rest of the house.  I haven't utilized my attic yet since I don't like climbing the stairs, but I think my blowmold nativity and some other stuff that does not get affected by heat will go up there.


For lights, I just wrap them around my arm and tie each strand together.  That way, all I have to do is untie it and its ready for use the next year.  For extension cords, I keep the shorter cords (I call "extender cords" because they extend my extension cords that are too short) together on an extension cord reel, similar to http://www.amazon.com/Woods-2803-Mountable-H-Frame-Extension/dp/B0037W5W2O/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1387721846&sr=8-9&keywords=extension+cord+reel.  For longer cords, I use the reels that are circular, and they fit perfectly stacked in my larger bins.

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For some reason, the link ate the rest of my post above.


For the longer cords, I use the extension cord reels, because they fit perfectly stacked in some of my larger bins.  Plus it helps to keep all bins labeled and make sure that what is on the label goes in the correct bin.  I've had a few times where bins have been switched and I spend hours trying to figure out where I put lights, etc.

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Plastic totes in the attic and put up wall hangers in the garage to store my window frames. Been seriously contemplating a storage unit lately though!

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I put them in totes.. (what will fit) and stack them on the pallet racks.  The rest either hang from the girders or up on the mezzanine.   Getting pretty crowded..

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Plastic totes and for many years we used a storage unit a few miles from the house, after a while we did the math and realized we could put an extra shed in the backyard and it would pay for itself in a year and a half.  We do both a Halloween and Christmas show.

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I have no storage sheds, no garage, not even a driveway! I've designed all of my design elements to be flat and easily handled by one person. Everything fits in a 4' x 12' space in my basement.

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5 Large plastic totes handle all the lights, and the RGB lollipops.


Christmas holiday project is to build some more shelving in the garage to hold the new props from this year. There's always extra space in the cold cellar if I need it too.

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Gee I love questions like this. How much stuff do you have today? How much stuff do you think you will have when you put up your display next year and the year after that, and the year after that? Really you supply no information about your display or how much you plan to aquire. Just buy totes and fill them up and buy more totes till it is all put away. And then start putting your totes in the basement, attic, garage, shed out back,

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Thanks to all of you!  Great information! 

I have no storage sheds, no garage, not even a driveway! I've designed all of my design elements to be flat and easily handled by one person. Everything fits in a 4' x 12' space in my basement.

Haha wow!  Tetris master!



5 Large plastic totes handle all the lights, and the RGB lollipops.

This is probably about where I will be starting off.  Awesome.



Gee I love questions like this. How much stuff do you have today? How much stuff do you think you will have when you put up your display next year and the year after that, and the year after that? Really you supply no information about your display or how much you plan to aquire. Just buy totes and fill them up and buy more totes till it is all put away. And then start putting your totes in the basement, attic, garage, shed out back,


Did you just reprimand me? I don't need to supply any information about my display because it is not relevant.  I wasn't asking how much storage my setup with take; I was asking about your storage situation.  I was trying to get an overall picture with responses from people with massive setups all the way down to small basic setups (great job to weveryone btw!)---so I can start mentally planning for the fuiture.  Your sarcasm and crispness was not really necessary.

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We have two 10x 15 storage units. We keep most stuff in 18 gallon totes. With 4 or even 5 color bundles, stuff doesn't really tangle that much, other than the strobes, where they are a separate layer, not bundled in with the other 4 strands.

Anywhere we have custom fit cords or harnesses for the lights on the building, I am increasingly keeping them in the same tote as the lights, or even left plugged into the lights. It really helps at set up time. We also tag any totes not used in the current year, so we know not to look there for stuff going up the same as last year. I'm working on improving the labeling on everything that is custom fit.

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Like they say, depends on your elements.   I have an 8x12 shed, but it needs to hold a lawn mower and camping gear so I have to be creative.  I've been working on making all my elements fold or stack for easier storage.  Here is just one of the elements I have redesigned:





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My apology. Was one of those rough days and morning today. Daughter is acting up to the max. No excuse acting up too on my part. Merry Christmas and hope you display goes into storage in a sane way.

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Like they say, depends on your elements.   I have an 8x12 shed, but it needs to hold a lawn mower and camping gear so I have to be creative.  I've been working on making all my elements fold or stack for easier storage.  Here is just one of the elements I have redesigned:





Wow that's pretty cool: colapses like an umbrella!  You build that yourself?  Did that require welding?




My apology. Was one of those rough days and morning today. Daughter is acting up to the max. No excuse acting up too on my part. Merry Christmas and hope you display goes into storage in a sane way.

Sorry about your morning.  Merry Christmas.

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Sorry - I tried to color my responses but for some reason the forum wouldn't allow it.  The place seems to be falling down around our ears here...

But now I wonder just how many responses it will allow and how long will it continue to post the responses in the same original response???

Okay - there's two responses posted in the original - shall we try for three???


If you are/were using IE11, this may be the reason you couldn't color your responses. Seems the most recent IE version has some issues with this version of the software. See this announcement for more.


Since day one the forum has been set to put replies posted in quick secession into the original thread. Nothing has been changed on that front.

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No welding. My trees are all machined from aluminum. Except the center post which can be either steel tubing, or galvanized pipe. This is my first year manufacturing them. I'm having a presale on them early next year. I'll post the info in the vendor market place when I have final details. They were born from my struggles for space so I thought it was appropriate to post here.

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