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Am I Pathetically Too Late?


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My display is yet to be completed.  Is that sad, should I bother to finish at this point?  Or should I just go static with what I have?  I am a procrastinator to begin with, but my wife also had major back surgery the Tues before Thanksgiving.  We have a 9 month old and a 3 year old, so I have been doing all of the lifting.  She is moving around much better now, but I am solely the one who gets the kids in and out of their cribs for naps and bed, in and out of the tub for bath time.  The baby in and out of the chair for meals.   Taking the laundry up and down to the basement.  So all of this hasn't left much time for the display.  I have been able to do some things here and there, but nowhere near what I had planned when we moved into this house in April.  Did I mention we had a major Halloween party just after having renovations done to the inside of the house for 5 weeks?

So back to my original question, should I go static, or keep going with getting my 98 channels up and running?


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I would still try to get it blinking and if it is only for the days between Christmas and New Years. Sorry to hear about all you stress - this year I can so feel with you... House renovation, yard work and normal work - then we had to wait for the new patio concrete to go in and we did not get the yard back until the week after Thanksgiving. So we pretty much missed all the good weather weekends for setup and had to do it in freezing weather. On top our new main feature died the day before opening in 2 inches of rain. Replacement parts are due to arrive next week so it will be up right in time for Christmas.

Long story short - don't go over board but do not give up! Even two or three songs will make you and your visitors smile...

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I'd light it up static ASAP, and then if you want to drop in controllers as you have time then do that.  But a dark yard is a shame this time of year.

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Agree with Tim.  Some of it may depend on how close you are to being done.  And that is assuming you have your sequencing all as well.  If not, then it isn't too late for next year.

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