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lights on all time


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I know this has been discussed before but i can't find it. How do I build a sequence or what ever i need to build to keep my light on constantly. I was thinking of loading a song and having the lights stay on whole time during that song. Suggestions? Thanks all. 

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Do you want a song playing when the lights are all on? If not, just create an animation sequence and turn the lights on.


When using the Show Builder (not the Simple Show Builder) you can put an Animation sequence in the Musical tab.

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To keep ALL your lights on, create the musical sequence with the song you want, in the SE, just make sure that ALL CELLS for any or all lights you want on are filled in.  At the end of that "ALL LIGHTS ON" sequence, if you're going into another musical sequence that will do more animation of your lights, in the "ALL LIGHTS ON" sequence, where the song is about to end, I'd use a fade down to slowly fade the lights off as the song tapers off, then the next sequence will be ready to animatre your lights to the next song..

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