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lor control panel won't open


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That happened to me last night when doing an update of the show, what I had to do was do a CTRL-ALT-DELETE and bring up the task manager,  then go to Processes and locate these two files: LORTray.exe and LORMonitor.exe, had to highlight LORTray.exe then click on "End Process", then had to do the same for LORMonitor.exe.   Unfortunately this meant shutting down the show for a few moments, then I reclicked on the LOR Control Panel file and got everything back up, because the blue bulb even disappeared from the lower right of the screen.   So when it came back up, it did start the show up itself and the bulb was blue once again. 


Then I could get back in to everything and make my changes,


Unfortunately there is no other way to do this, other than reboot the computer if the above does not work, which has the show down even longer because the boot time takes some time before all of Windows items show up at times.


Hope this may help.

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