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Ok make fun of me


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But my 4 daughters are dying for me to run "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction.


If someone could take pity on me so I DONT have to sequence this myself I would praise you forever and shed blessings upon your house.......








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Make fun of you?  Us?  Make fun of you?  Whatever gave you the idea THAT would happen?


I think some of us might be feeling a bit of pity for you, all the while laughing our arses off that it won't be us who has to sequence that little ditty.


Four daughters - that's 20% of the sequencing each, with a slice left over for you.  The math works for me.  If they want it bad enough why not make it a family project?

:D :D :D

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Ha! George......just for that if I DO sequence this I will send it to you and expect you to run it one night in honor of my pain.......

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