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Problem running this year


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Can someone help me lights are hooked up but my lor software doesn't have the blue light it's red. Saying its disabled.how do I turn it back on.running same sequences as last year everything was good.need help please..

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Can someone help me lights are hooked up but my lor software doesn't have the blue light it's red. Saying its disabled.how do I turn it back on.running same sequences as last year everything was good.need help please..

On the lower right of the window - where the LOR light bulb is showing RED - do a Rt Mouse button over that LOR bulb to show the options - one of them is to Enable Show - choose that and the LOR light bulb will turn white. In that same menu is the Show Editor and Schedule Editor where you setup what shows you want to run, and what time you want them to run.

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If you already have everything set up, right click on the LOR Bulb icon on the lower left, a menu will pop up, select "Enable Schedule", the bulb will now turn Blue. 


If the enable window doesn't open automatically after enabling the schedule/show, left click the blue bulb on the bottom right, then the window should pop up {open} showing that your show is now enabled, and with info about what time your first show will commence.

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