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Problem deleting tracks


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2nd year.  I went from 16 to 32 channels this year.  


First off I am using the basic software version that only supports 2 tracks.  A sequence I purchased has 5 tracks.  I read the help line on how to delete them.  Problem is when I right click the Delete Track is not clickable for any of the 2-5 track I want to remove.



Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Unfortunately if the sequence is 5 tracks and your license only allows 2, I don't believe you can delete them, not until you upgrade your license to support all the tracks in the sequence.  You would be able to only delete track 1 and track 2, then track 3 moves to track 1, track 4 moves to track 2, then you could delete them, then track 5 would become track 1.


It would be easier for you to create a new sequence and then copy the track you want to it.  Or do the above, save sequence with new filename with the deleted track 1 and 2, where track 3 and 4 have moved up to track 1 and track 2.  Then after deleting those tracks in the second sequence, resave the sequence with another different name with only track 5 now the only track in that sequence, which will be track 1.  Then you can open all 3 of those sequences and copy and paste what tracks you want to using in your new 32 channel sequence setup.


It sounds confusing, but once you do it a few times, you'll get the hang of it and it'll get easier.


But the easiest thing would be to upgrade your license, and I do recommend the "Advance" license as it gives you a lot more flexability that you're going to find, as you go along, you're going to want to use and even need at some point.     I started with Basic+, but moved to Advanced within less than a month after getting into this hobby.

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The "basic" software supports 2 controllers (32 channels), not tracks. How many channels/controllers does the sequence have? Perhaps the sequence you bought is locked and cannot be edited?

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The "basic" software supports 2 controllers (32 channels), not tracks. How many channels/controllers does the sequence have? Perhaps the sequence you bought is locked and cannot be edited?

Sorry Tony, you are misinformed, Demo, Basic, and Basic+ DO support tracks, the Demo, Basic and Basic+ only support 2 tracks and 2 controllers and no more, the Standard license will support up to 4 tracks and 4 controllers.


Only the Advanced license supports "unlimited tracks" as well as "unlimited controllers".


Look at the LOR license comparison chart on this page:  http://www1.lightorama.com/sequencing-suite-software/


It tells you every difference between what you have and don't have in the software suite.


This is why most folks that get into this hobby, sooner or later, and it's usually always sooner, upgrade to the Advanced License.


So if the OP follows my advice, he can still remove those unwanted tracks and/or use them in other sequences by saving and doing what I stated as I have outlined above.

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