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LOR Feature Request


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You know what would be a great feature...??

I wish you could put in the amount of power you are feeding each channel and have LOR add up each controller then each give a total amps below. SO when you play your animation you can see the total in the same way you can see the amount of memory or processor used on a computer.

Then if you get close to your controller limit or the limit of power you have specified at a point in the animation it will go red or show you. Do you know how much time that would save? Now I have to use an excel sheet and cross reference each channel and manually check. Or just wait for a circuit to go out...opps.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!

I want that too! But I also want LOR to tell me how much total power each sequence uses in watt-hours (and for that matter, a whole show). Input total power in watts or amps as part of each channel config, and then let LOR do the math on the sequence. LOR could market their software as "Green" because it allows you to easily manage your power. I have solar power on my home and so far I have managed to keep a $0 electricity bill, but I have to do it by trial and error with a Kill-a-Watt.


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