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Doug Farish

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Need some help again. Are the RGB dumb ribbons ran thur the same controller as the CCRs. Do I use superstar to program them or LOR? If LOR then it would be three seperate channels for each color, right? If on the CCR controler then I do not have to worry about the three seperate channels?



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The only thing the LOR CCR controllers will control is LOR CCRs.  You'll need a separate DC board and a power supply to run the dumb ribbon.  Yes, you'll have to add RGB channels to your sequence for the dumb ribbon.

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I have a ready to go box on the way (CMB-24D) with 8 pigtails. Am I going to need another one? That sounds a little crazy to me if I d o but, if that is the way t is I will think of sonethig.

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I have a ready to go box on the way (CMB-24D) with 8 pigtails. Am I going to need another one? That sounds a little crazy to me if I d o but, if that is the way t is I will think of sonethig.



You can, but do not have to use superstar. S3 will suffice.



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I have a related question. Too late for this year so I'm thinking next year already. Dumb RGB strips are controlled in a single color at a time. Can they be cut into sections and still used? Even though the strip is one color, can the pixels be controlled one at a time, such as a snowfall tube effect but under software control to achieve it?

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I am having trouble gettng my sequenses out of SuperStar and into LOR. I have dont this before but I have forgot on how I did it.

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I think there's an export to option which creates a lms.lsv file which the sequencer editor can see. Once you have it open and the destination lms file open, then copy and paste as needed from the lms.lsv to the new lms file.

Doug Farish, Just saw you are in Rogers, AR, which is only like 60 miles away from me here! Cool. Are you doing a formal show this year as I'd love to come see it?

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I am having trouble gettng my sequenses out of SuperStar and into LOR. I have dont this before but I have forgot on how I did it.


In SSE look for "File -> Export to Sequence Editor." That will export your work in Superstar to it's own sequence.


You can then open that sequence and either add in your other controllers, (or my preferred method) copy/paste the events from the exported sequence to your current sequence(s.)


Do note that the .lsv file isn't something you would edit. It's simply used to keep track of your visual preferences within the sequence.  See here for a list of S3 file extensions.

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dgrant, I am hoping to have a formal show this year. would love to have you come up and see it. Actually I am in Lowell. Now to the problem. We have exported the file into the sup.lms file. we have done everything that the help section has said to do. we have tested the CCR with the hardware config and only part of the strip lit up. We opened the LOR sequence and made a channell and did every thing that help section said to do but no go. all of the other lights were working just fine.


Can you give a little more in setail on what you are saying. Thanks

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It should export as a las file using the "Export to Sequence Editor" under the file pulldown. From there, you need to open the sequence editor, open the sequence that you wish it to go into AND also open the las file you just created. In the lms file for the destination sequence, you need to "Insert the Device" the CCR at the bottom of the channel lists AND after your last channel. Make sure you configure the CCR add command to show 50 channels, selecting CCR, address and etc...from the available options. At this point, you should see a new list of 50 channels in the destination sequence. Go to the SS sequence las file and select and copy the areas or whole whatever you wish, then select the destination sequence and paste, wherever you wish.


You have to have a license for CCR's too... I can send you a simple set of files for one setup of mine from the Griswold Christmas so you can see how the file setup works. I only make the CCR come on when everything lights up and then I'm twinkling colors across it.


Also, in the HWU, you can formally test the CCR by first doing the refresh to insure you're talking to it. Select the "Console" button at the bottom of the HWU. Select the Unit ID of the CCR, middle bottom of the console screen. Move the "slider" to access channels 145-160. Move the vertical slider for channel 151 to intensity 1. This sets the ribbon to 1 pixel. This means the first 3 channels, 1, 2, 3, will control Red, Green, Blue for the entire ribbon. Move the horizontal slider back to the left so you can change channels 1,2 3. When you move one of these three veritcal sliders, the entire ribbon will take on that color.

   There's a lot more you can test with right there and the instructions were contained with the CCR.

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thanks for all the help. We finally got the CCRs to work. It'sgoing to look great. Agan thanks for all the help.

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