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I am a first year light-o-rama- teer. We definitaly fit the beginner definition, novice, newcomer, fledgling, neophyte, starter, learner, student, apprentice, trainee. We'll we bought the showtime mini director with fm transmitter and 4 controllers. (only 3 are operating) The lights are all hung everything is working correctly, actually better than expected, I could use some help in figuring out where to plug in certain strands of lights for optimum show performance. The instructions say to think in groups of four. I get the concept, four trees, four eves, four bushes, etc. But I have a 40 foot mega tree in the front yard plugged into 9-16 (controller 1), when the show plays (automatically when plugged in) it looks very random, unorganized and problematic for anyone prone to seizures. I was hoping for an effect like ive seen many of you do---chasing around the tree 1st strand 2 strand and so forth until it reaches strand 24. Its simply dancing all over the place. Help? Advice? I will be making a little you tube clip of what we have outside as soon as the sun comes up and i will post it so maybe you all can see better what we got going on. Thanks in advance  Smyliedude

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It sounds like you do not have your dongle cords labeled or lights plugged in the correct cord.  This will give a ramdom effect, providing the sequence is correct.  One other thing to look at is how you have your channels assigned for the sequence. 

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I am a first year light-o-rama- teer. We definitaly fit the beginner definition, novice, newcomer, fledgling, neophyte, starter, learner, student, apprentice, trainee. We'll we bought the showtime mini director with fm transmitter and 4 controllers. (only 3 are operating) The lights are all hung everything is working correctly, actually better than expected, I could use some help in figuring out where to plug in certain strands of lights for optimum show performance. The instructions say to think in groups of four. I get the concept, four trees, four eves, four bushes, etc. But I have a 40 foot mega tree in the front yard plugged into 9-16 (controller 1), when the show plays (automatically when plugged in) it looks very random, unorganized and problematic for anyone prone to seizures. I was hoping for an effect like ive seen many of you do---chasing around the tree 1st strand 2 strand and so forth until it reaches strand 24. Its simply dancing all over the place. Help? Advice? I will be making a little you tube clip of what we have outside as soon as the sun comes up and i will post it so maybe you all can see better what we got going on. Thanks in advance  Smyliedude

 We need a bit more info on how you strung the lights on your tree. Eg. Bottom to top, Bottom to top and back down to bottom or the up and over method. If you did bottom to top and have 24 strands

 In order to get the effect that you stated you want you would need 24 channels. You stated that you are using Controller 1 channels 9-16. That said you would be chasing the strands in groups of 3.

  Meaning that strands 1 2 3 go to controller 1 channel 9 strands 4 5 6 go to controller 1 channel 10 etc. if this is what you did and you run a chase it will look pretty good as three strands at a time will rotate around the tree. Think of a slice of pie. That's the best I can do for you from the knowledge I have on mega trees. Hope this helps you out.

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