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Need more incandescent c9 light strings! Help


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Hello everyone, I am in need of about 15 incandescent c9 light strands. Spacing and color does not matter. I am mainly looking for ceramic red, green, white but anything will do even just the spool with c9 sockets.

Last year there were many for sale on craigslist so I was expecting that for this year too but nothing! Shouldn't have been relying on that... (Dumb of me) Especially when I have two houses to finish up.

Hope someone out there still has incandescent c9's hiding somewhere lol

Thank you!

Edited by mendo15
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If you check out the vendors around here most of them sell spools of what you are looking for and should be able to ship quickly to you.

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While looking around for something else, I spotted a whole bunch of them a couple days ago at Wally World.

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