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problem with making seqences work


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I'm new to this and am trying to get the seq downloaded and usable, but it doesn't show up as a seq it shows up when I seach for all files but then I get a error saying it cannot open???? Thanks for the help in advance

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Just a guess, but have you pointed LOR to the audio file? The sequences that you download, unless you have purchased them directly for LOR, do not include the audio files. If it is the audio file, go to Edit, Audio File, and then select where you have the audio file on your computer.

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Just for kicks I downloaded th free tso seq off of lor site....still couldn't make it accept it. said can not open?????Maybe I missed something???

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The free sequence does not have the audio, you must own the CD and make your own audio file. Then, you have to point the audio file to the sequence. If you didn't do this, that is probably why it won't open.

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A music sequence will not work without the audio file. The free download from the LOR homepage is a musical sequence, not an animated one. You need to copy the audio track from your CD and then point the sequence to the audio track.

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You can make it work w/o the music by re-naming the file from .lms to .las (from LOR Music Sequence to LOR Animation Sequence)... just to see how the program works...

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