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Skew not working locks up se

dan martens

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I'm trying to get a seq in time with a old seq(faces) when I use skew it locks up

What am I doing wrong

I just uninstalled lor and reinstalled and still does this


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It locked up on me today as well.  But I had just imported a config before doing it.  I waited 45 minutes and it never returned so I had to use task manager.  Next try I saved after importing and it worked. 

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Could someone experiencing this problem please send me (bob@lightorama.com) a copy of a sequence it happens on, as well as the following information: (1) Which direction you're trying to skew in; (2) How much time you're trying to skew by; (3) This thread's URL, which is:





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you may have skewed your track to far.

What I mean is if you skew your track past the song or before the song then there is nothing to play.  So LOR seems locked up but it is not, you just cant play the track because there is nothing there to play except for the sequence.

can you undo or do anything else or does LOR completely lock up and you cant change anything.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I just got thru skewing one of my S3 LOR sequences and LOR is intermittently locking up giving a really weird error message.  But after trying several times, I got the skew to move the track to where I needed it and QUICK saved it!!!  WOOHOO.  Thanks Mike at LOR for your very quick response & your help on this!!!

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