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Adding time to beginning of a sequence? HELP!

Beaver State Rich

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I revised my video to add extra time to the intro to ensure I could manually expand the  video window if needed (separate issue) My problem is now my sequence is too short at the beginning by 45 seconds.  Beyond selecting all and copy/paste (just a scary thought!) to the new start point I figure there has to be a way to add more time blocks into the sequence at some point.  Trying to revise this eve and do a full scale dress rehearse prior to tomorrow night's opening.

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I revised my video to add extra time to the intro to ensure I could manually expand the  video window if needed (separate issue) My problem is now my sequence is too short at the beginning by 45 seconds.  Beyond selecting all and copy/paste (just a scary thought!) to the new start point I figure there has to be a way to add more time blocks into the sequence at some point.  Trying to revise this eve and do a full scale dress rehearse prior to tomorrow night's opening.


Adding time to a musical/video sequence is asking for troubles.


Might be best to create a new sequence. Copy/Paste timings from OldSequence and paste them into NewSequence. You would start the timings at the 45 second mark. Once the timings are copied you could copy the events over. [Worth noting you could just copy the events without the timings, and 'paste by time' at the 45 second mark.]

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find out the exact time when sequence starts, add that to your total time of sequence.  So now you have dead space at the end of your sequence, now skew your track to the right that exact time.

easy peasy.

If you screw it up dont save, close it and reopen try again.


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Thanks guys, sorry it took a bit to get back.  This was a crazy weekend.  Friday night was the "premere" and I had all my neighbors showing up to view.  Saturday night was our party and I had 75 people in our house.  Sunday was recovery day-the hard warm apple cider really went down easy and caught up to you fast!! 


I ended up creating a new sequence and then cutting and pasting the old sequence onto the new one after the elapsed time went by.  Once I figured out I had to select the same amount of space in the new sequence to paste into it was easy.  (Note to sell this is not excell!)


I am happy to say the entire show went according to plan.  I still can't get the video to open full screen but by adding a longer lead in I was able to open the video manually and just block the projector lens and then pull off and still have 30 seconds prior to the start.  


Now all I have to do is figure out how to take a good video of the show during nightime so I can show off my hard work.   Can't believe I still have next weekend of shows and of course Halloween!


If you are in the Willamette Valley in OR shoot me a PM and I'll give you directions.

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You might check out this tool, although there's probably an easier way now to maximize a window through powershell or vbscript.




You could have LOR fire off a command script that runs the command to maximize the window automatically after pausing a few seconds (waiting for it to start the video).

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