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ISO 16Ch Halloween w/Singing Face Please!


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We have our pumpkin built!  And we have 3 songs ready, This is Halloween, Light em Up, and Radioactive (thanks to you amazing people here!!)  Does anyone have any small sequence shows, 16 channel, including a singing face?  Good Halloween songs.  We are trying to set up at least a 25 min show.  We do our pumpkin carvings for ONE night only (since we carve mostly real pumpkins), so I am just looking for a few basic ones.  Even just Halloween with the singing faces will help.  Even if you have more then one face, I figured out how to modify them and make it all on one line.  This has been really fun so far!  My email is JandJhatch@yahoo.com  and thank you for the help!


Here is a video showing what we have built so far. . . heheeh  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkC-65auv3o



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So I now have the following done

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

This is Halloween

Bangarang by Skrillex

Light em Up - Fall Out Boy


They are all done on 16 channel including a Face  :)


I am still looking for a few more songs.  Maybe Enter Sandman by metallica?  just the face even would work.  Any help is appreciated!  And I can send the other ones to anyone who wants them.

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Could you please send me Radioactive and Light em Up for my halloween show? I would greatly appreciate it. If you happen to get Enter Sandman, I would love that too. tneihouse@gmail.com.

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  • 1 month later...

Snow dogs,

           First off let me say I love all those pumpkins. Di you have a contest or something. I usually only have time to do about 5 with great detail. On a serious note I just ordered my 46 X 46 pumpkin and would love to see your sequences. Also any ideas on where to get a good prop of the pumkin. I will PM you also since it has been so long on the thread. thanks

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  • 1 month later...

Awesome stuff! Thank you for the great ideas! I am hoping you don't mind sharing your sequences?! I am particularly interested in Bangarang, but would appreciate whatever you decide to send me! Please drop me an email at tonybiviano@hotmail.com with the subject line "SEQUENCES". I have MANY I will send back to you!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi GonetotheSnow dog, i'm planning on going to Singing faces next year and would love copies if you are willing of the songs that you have.  It will give me an idea how to setup my songs i'll be coding next year.  I'll happily send over whatever I create.  RJMorris82@gmail.com.  


I've got a ton of sequences, just nothing for singing faces.

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