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Blow'n fuses

big joe

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Hi there Big Joe here.  ah- not really a newbie question- but was thinking maybe some of the "old-timers" will check this out and I would


get a faster response as I have opened a trouble ticket tonight as well.  Ok here is my deal-- I bought some controllers during the summer


sale, (kit form, no soldering all CTB16PCg3's), all went well and powered up as they should, I then set unit I.D's on the them, all was still


good. Today ran all the extension cords, (1500' total today whew!!) , Plugged in 1-16 on unit 4, then connected the duel power cords. 


Green led flashed once and fuse popped. Pulled fuse from unit 1 (right side) and placed it in unit 4.  Popped again. No show was running


at the time but cat-5 was plugged in. I am at a lost here. Must be a short somewhere. Anybody have any idea's?  I think tomorrow I am


going to have to hunt down some of those Fast-acting Ceramic Fuses locally. (Radio shack????)  Max-Paul any ideas??  I think I will take


apart all the 1/4 " connections tomorrow and do it again. Maybe I missed something.  Thanks to anybody who can help,   Big Joe out.

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You may have a bad extension cord.  I would have tried plugging the controllers in first, then adding the extension cords one at a time.  If just plugging in the controller and the fuse popped = controller issue, but if it popped when you plugged a specific extension cord in it could be either a bad extension cord or a bad channel, if you took out a known good extension cord from a channel that did not pop the fuse and plugged it in the channel that popped, then it would definitely be an issue within the controller.  BTW: Make sure nothing is plugged into the extension cord, then plug in the item, if the fuse pops, could be what you're trying to control at the end of the extension cord that is defective or has a problem.


But you'll need some extra fuses to test it all out.


Hopefully this will help you narrow down where the problem is coming from.

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Thanks Orville !! , I haven't thought of that and that makes sense so I'll give it a try.  Found the fuses at Radio shack. , waiting for them to open.

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Big Joe Here!!! Thanks Orville!!!  You nailed it. !!!!  Went and tested each extension cord on a resettable 5-way power strip, ch.11 popped it, traced the cord back and


found a bad vampire plug. It seams the plug only had sharp spikes that poked into the ribbed side of the spt-2. ( I caught one other one in the batch, but this one


sneaked though) . Didn't have this issue with the green ones.  Not going to say where I got them, as that wouldn't be fair to the vender, but it is white in color for spt-2


wire, just another thing to look out for I guess. Everything is up and running including 24 hour night vision camares . Sorry about my spelling. I don't have time to change


it , nor do I care... Thanks again!!!!                    Big Joe out. :D

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Glad I could help you out with your issue Joe.  And that it was a simple and inexpensive repair, as opposed to a controller issue.


As for spelling, I never worry about how others spell, there are so many diverse folks on the forums and some folks may not be as adept at English as others, and I can usually figure out what they mean, if not, I ask! :)


Just glad you were able to correct the problem and get your show up and operating! :D

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