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Lookin' fer... 64 channel 4 color

Steve Barker

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Wonderin' if anyone has or a link to some 64 channel 4 color megatree sequences.  I'm still designing and fabricating the tree, so I can see now there's going to be no time for me to learn sequencing this year.




steve barker

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That is a lot of channels for one megatree.  Why so many?  I doubt you are going to find many people running a 64 channel megatree.  Since you are new I will give you a hint scale it back and use those channels for some other effects.  

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I have 64 channels....16 channels- 4 colors....what kinda of music are you looking for the sequences?

Christmas or secular music is fine.  We prefer classic rock and country for the secular.  Thanks!


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