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FS: LOR CTB16PC controllers


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Hey all,


I am moving a bunch of my display to pixels this year and would like to unload these.  I am attaching a bunch of pictures, but here are some important facts:


1.  These were purchased fully assembled as the full setup that LOR offers, the only thing I had to do was put the cables on the card which was already in the box with its high power heat sinks

2.  On two of these, I didn't use the short black plug-sets that LOR included as I wanted much longer cabling... so I used 10 foot long SPT wire on each channel (these are obvious in the pictures!)

3.  Several of these have a white LOR sticker on the weatherproof case and some have the LOR logo embossed directly on the case

4.  ALL of these have the really nice water-tight ethernet jacks for both signal in and signal out


So, with that all out of the way.  There are ten (10) of these as you can see in the pictures.  I think I want to get rid of six (6) of them.  I don't really care which I get rid of and which I keep, they are all equal to me.  So, if you are bent on having the ones with the long cables, tell me you want the one with the long cables!  If you REALLY don't like the white sticker... tell me you want the embossed case... I don't really care.  I also have two of the 40A units in my own casing that I think I'm going to keep...


I would like to get $150 each for these.  I think they're worth it.  If you buy the kit like I did, they are $226.  If you buy it assembled like you're getting it from me, they are $260.  The water-tight ethernet jacks are around $5-6 each and there are two each on my setups.


I will not ship you a controller that I haven't personally connected lights to every channel and tested, as well as verifying communication.  I make no warranty past that, you are buying a used controller for $75-100 cheaper than you can buy them from LOR (outside of their sales).  I can tell you that in 8 years of doing this, and I have 12 controllers, I have only ever had to have one controller fixed and it was cheap.


The other option is that I live on the Atlantic coast of Florida... you are more than welcome to come by and test these out for yourself.


Thanks for looking!  And please let me know of any questions.



Ok, I have more pictures but it won't let me upload anymore?  Weird...

I also posted this at the PC forum and was able to upload all the pictures there:





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Just curious what folks are paying for these lightly used PC LOR controllers these days?  I haven't had a single request!





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Many of us are going to pixels. 


Are these G1,G2 or G3 controllers? 


Seems G1s are not that popular these days.  G2s are ok but more are moving to G3s or pixels. 

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i think people here just got done buying at the summer and mad grab sales and were buying the boards where you only have to connect the cables for $175-$190 brand new.  if you dont need the money now hold them and wait a few months when newbies are scrambling to get controllers before the holidays... or, there is always ebay if you need them gone soon.

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I have no idea what generation these are from aside from the "they work perfectly" generation  ;)   which is all I generally care about.  I am mildly flexible on price, but I'm not going to give them away either... I can wait to sell.. don't need the money.  Thanks for the comments.



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Actually it can make a difference.  G1 I have none of so I don't remember what they look like..but I hear they have switches to dial up the address of the controller (not sure though).  G2 and G3 are very different technically.. For running simple incans, not really any noticeable difference other then G3 will do the "super speed" Network.  G3s also have an LED dimming curve and enough horsepower to add more curves later.. G2 is pretty much topped out.  No dimming curves for LED and no future addition capability.


I think you are right to hang on to them.  Controllers seem to be moving somewhat slow lately.  Around Christmas you should do a lot better.  Not everyone is going to pixels.. YET!  

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When did the G3 come out?  Mine have faded every LED I've thrown at them including Walmart LEDs, GE store bought LEDs, full wave vendor LEDs.

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G3 launched in 2011. They have the ability to set dimming curves for LED strands that might fade at different rates that other LED's.


G3 controllers have quick connects for the cords, while G1 have the screw in type.


Interestingly, there never really was a G2 style controller. The "G2" you see imprinted on the G3 controllers was really a typo. It was decided after the boards had gone to manufacture that they would call the controllers "G3" to go with the about to be released (at the time) S3 software.

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The PC (Planet Christmas) line of controllers have always had the quick connects. So there are some prior to G3 that have quick connects.

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The PC (Planet Christmas) line of controllers have always had the quick connects. So there are some prior to G3 that have quick connects.

That's right. Had my controllers mixed up.


If memory serves me correctly, the status light on the G3 blinks a different color.

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