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Sequencing multiple neighbor homes – any personal experience, tips?


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Last year I included the neighbor across the street and three trees at the end of the street using a controller and an Easy Light Linker. This year more neighbors want to join in. Another house across the street and the homes to the right and the left of mine have said that they’re in. I was already planning on going from three to six trees at the end of the block. Thankfully, the Spring Sale gave me the opportunity to pickup enough controllers and another set of ELLs to make it feasible.


Have you sequences multiple homes in your neighborhood? What has been your design method? I use 72 channels on my house (not all utilized yet). I wanted including my neighbors to be somewhat easy so I’ve limited them to five channels per house. From top to bottom, I divided the channels to; Roof, Upper windows, Porch icicles, Lower (ground floor) windows, and Fence/Hedge. Matching their channels to my channels allows me to synchronize the homes.


I found it helpful when I created five Tracks with their five channels in each Track. I also added my channels that are in the same areas as their five channels in the five Tracks. That allowed me to see which of my channels would be the best to copy from and paste to their channels. I exported the Channel Configuration and will use that to add the new controllers and Tracks to the existing sequences.

I haven’t added any RGB yet, just incandescents and LEDs still. I’d be grateful if you have any tips if you’ve tacked this undertaking before. If you have any sequences to share – I’d be even more thankful!


You can check out some videos from last year on my website, www.NYChristmasLights.com.




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Hi Chuck,


I had 8 homes last year on my street.


For the other 7 I only used the 4 channels for red, white, blue and green (led).


A few had animated singing, dancing characters.


Others had arches, firesticks and I used one house for projection.


I used wireless linkers on most homes (which worked great).


I used 23 LOR CTB PC16 controllers and 2 CCR's.


This year going all RGB pixels on my home with the others LED.


It's fun - but hope you have a lot of help!!


It brought our whole block together last year with the neighborhood kids and parents all decorating.


Edited by 10jeater
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helps with neighborhood watch I bet also lol great job your work was cut out for ya

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