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Is it possible to go from LOR to nutcracker


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new to rgb this year.  All my sequences are done in lor and this year im adding a 16 ft tall rgb mega tree.  I need to adapt this to my current display.  there are points in my show that I do color chases and want the new rgb mega to do the same chases, is there a easy way to copy and paste from my lor sequence to nutcracker?   or do I need to do everything from scratch?  Or is there another program that I should consider for my specific purpose.

Thank You Jason

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new to rgb this year.  All my sequences are done in lor and this year im adding a 16 ft tall rgb mega tree.  I need to adapt this to my current display.  there are points in my show that I do color chases and want the new rgb mega to do the same chases, is there a easy way to copy and paste from my lor sequence to nutcracker?   or do I need to do everything from scratch?  Or is there another program that I should consider for my specific purpose.

Thank You Jason

i think most people do it this way for LOR


1) Create your show with some music file.

Maybe teh first 1000 channels are non rgb.

2) Block out a section of your show where the rgb will go. My 20x120 flex strips = 2400 nodes or 7200 channels. You could start at channel 1000 to 8200 in your current show.

when ready to get Nutcracke reffects on your rgb device go to next step

3) Go to Nutcracker and build amodel that will match your rgb device. Drop effects on it/.

4) When done, export your Nutcracker as a lcb file (LOR Clip Board).

5) Go back into LOR, select the lcb file that will be shown in your clipboard list. Now go to channel 1000 and paste the clipboard. All 7200 channels are now pasted into your original sequence.


These steps assume you will be playing your show from LOR


Here is another method.

Do step 1) above.

2) Save your show as a lms file

3) Go to Nutcracker and import your lms file.

4) Build a model in Nutcracker starting at channel 1000, now add effects.

5) Save everything as an xlights xseq file.

6) Use xLights extensive scheduler to run your show.




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Using a rgb breakout will allow you to do this. You wil copy the chase of a re

gular set of channels into the r or g or b of the breakout. The pattern may be any vertical or spiral of your choosing.

Watch video about rgb converting at bottom of the page in my signature.

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