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internet - what a pain...


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Maybe it is a west coast thing, (or an ATT thing), but the intermittent behavior of the internet, and the lack of any real support is ongoing.

The current issue I have is that I just found a little time and I was needed to reach www.superstarlights.com to develop more on this years display (CCR related). The DNS my router speaks to now says that that website does not exist... No problem with anything else I don't want to go to, but just that one that I do need to work today...

Is there any reason anyone knows that the Superstar website would be out of service ?

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First thing I checked (I'm a DNS admin for a large ISP) - was the domain expired.


Nope; not until 2019.  That's good.


What I do see bad about that domain is their DNS servers -


superstarlights.com.    172798  IN      NS      ns1.byethost18.org.
superstarlights.com.    172798  IN      NS      ns2.byethost18.org.

That part is standard, but....

ns1.byethost18.org.     86398   IN      A
ns2.byethost18.org.     86398   IN      A


Both DNS servers are on the same network; any routing issues, you can't get tot he web site.  Probably a network routing issue when you tried.

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the DNS here in ATT/Calif is resolving  now www.superstarlights.com again. For some reason it was out for the last few hours. Another black hole in the fabric of life... Now to get back to work.

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Ok, I spoke too soon. Superstarlights.com, aka is not reachable -and not responsive to a ping. Traceroute indicates a problem within the cogentco network routing, failing at


I'll try again tomorrow, still many days until Christmas...

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