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I received a package today, had a controller and some red mini Incan lights.. But no name on the package but mine.. I have no idea who sent this. But who ever did thank you and god bless!:)

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Oh Santa sent you something too? I know who he is...... took me 3 days to figure it out

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Think Shelton said it did not have a label on it just his. Can't wait to see Shelton show this year. 



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3 48 channels!:)

I just wish there was i way I could repay everyone

I also wish I knew who it was so I could tell them how much I appreciate them..

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Maybe Santa will PM you one day and ask for a sneek peek of your show.



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Sheldon, remember don't overwhelm yourself.  You don't have to use all of your controllers in your first year.  

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I second what Columbus27 stated, Don't overwhelm yourself. Take it slow and easy for your first year. Then build up from there.


Can't wait to see what you come up with for your first show.

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I have everything I need except extension cords and c9 yard stakes. The yard stakes aren't a big deal.

It's getting the extension cords is the overwhelming part. Trying to figure out how much I need what goes where and etc.. Lol but ill get it down

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