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Instant sequence


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I export the file to seq. editor hit play and the music starts and my ccr does nothing then I hit stop and the music keeps going for a bit then when it stops the ccr lights up for a second then the music stops. What am I doing wrong?

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The first thing to do is verify the unit ID of your CCR. Do the following:


1) Launch the hardware utility

2) Click on the Refresh button, when it gets done searching it should have your CCR controller listed in the dropdown box

3) Select the CCR controller

4) Click on the Console button at the bottom

5) Select the unit ID of your CCR

6) Slide the slide switches up on the console, the first few pixels of your CCR should illuminate


If you can get the first few pixels to illuminate then it mean you are using the correct unit ID for your CCR


Now do the following:

1) launch SuperStar

2) Click on the Tools menu and select Configuration

3) In the Configuration dialog box make sure "Unit ID of first CCR" is set to the unit ID of your CCR

4) Click on OK

5) Click on the File menu and select Export (on the newer releases of SuperStar the Export option has been renamed to "Export to Sequence Editor")


Launch the Sequence Editor, make sure the little square in the lower right is blue. If it is red then something is configured wrong. If it is blue, open the exported file and play it to your CCRs again, if it doesn't work let me know.

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I got that to work but when I try a new it says Error Failed to open file etc. it's like all folders it needs are not created during installation

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Is this the error you are getting?


Error: Failed to open audio file: xxxxx

Defaulting to a sequence length of 300 seconds.

NOTE: If another program is using the audio file, close the program and then try opening the audio file again.


If so, the reason SuperStar cannot open the audio file is because the Sequence Editor is using the audio file. Close down the Sequence Editor and then it will be able to open the audio file.

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I got it working, i had to completely remove every LOR file from my pc then reinstall in the regular program files instead of the x86 program files. Now to try my other ccr along with the first one. Maybe by Labor day I'll have the nerve to hook up my 3 regular controllers, thanks for the help

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