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New but getting things together


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I bought the basic plus software and will try and get at least three controllers for 2013. I've been messing with the software for a couple of weeks and find it interesting, fun and a challenge. I needed to hit a couple of stores today and found 100 mini light strings at Home Depot for 67 cents a box. I bought 100 of them. Then I went to Wally Mart. They had blue 100 mini light strings for $1.25. I bought 20. At Walgreens I found gold 50 mini light strings for about $2. Bought the last six they had. Tomorrow it's off to Lowes to see what they have left and on sale. I'll probably buy some LED's if they have any left.

I guess I should have titled this "Let the illness begin."


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first off welcome,you will find this hobby to be very rewarding.this is my second yeard and this year was way better as far as visiters go.man you got lucky with the lights you found,all stores here ard cleaned out

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I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a different story. A couple of stores I was in on Sunday were already packing away their Christmas stuff.


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isn't it amazing.....in july and august you start seeing stores putting out a few christmas items. then by labor day you can find almost anything christmas in the store.

but then a week past christmas and the stores have to pack everything away.

i'm not interested in seeing your valentines day stuff now. i don't light up valentines day.

don't all these stores understand that we do this for the enjoyment of our fellow man and that maybe we would like to save a few dollars on more christmas lights and not see red hearts everywhere.

amazing all the stores are only worried about 1 thing....making more money.....what about us lighting guys who want cheap lights and more lights so we can get bigger and brighter and stare at the computer more, and risk our neck out on the roof, and drink more coffee and hot chocolate then a normal human being should drink cause its 20 degrees outside but we got to get more lights out and santa needs to get on the roof, and cause our family thinks we're nuts cause we listen to frosty and tso in the middle of july cause it brings us back to when the show lights up and we can enjoy all of our work. what about us.......these retail stores just don't get us..........

wow.......sorry i was gone there for a while.......see what this hobby can do to you.

welcome to the insanity.......

thanks for listening

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