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After the CT tragedy, then this happens less than 2 blocks from MY house!


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Happened at 10:30am Sunday morning 12/16/2012, and the sad and scary thing is this happened directly next to the playground where children were at play. We're just lucky no children were hit by the shooter or shooters as I am still not certain if both had guns or only one gun involved, but still one too many directly next to a playground, which is also roped off and closed with Crime Scene tape, along with a section of road where it all went down.


Just another point for those that support gun control. This is getting ridiculous, what are we coming to here?

Edited by Orville
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gun control won't get rid of the mentally ill...

No, but it may keep guns out of their hands, at least hopefully {in theory}. But we all know how theoritics go, right?

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We better get rid of forks too since obesity contributes to the leading cause of death in our country -- heart disease (ironically this is in a thread started by Orville :P). But I guess you are right, if we make guns illegal it will keep bad people from doing bad things -- just like we keep them from doing drugs, robbing stores, kidnapping kids, crashing hijacked planes (with box cutters) into skyscrapers, etc. (Oh wait, maybe we still need to make those activities illegal too. :o) Just saying...

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Bull Shoy!

#1. I didn't say it "would", I said may, big difference.

#2. Also stated theoritical, which does not make it fact that gun control would or would not solve anything.

#3. The statement "just another point for those that support gun control" is just that a POINT for them to enforce their views on others, I never stated in this thread that I supported or did not support gun control.

#4. With the way folks are constantly pulling guns and shooting people, especially when it involves or near/around children and we've had over 3 or 4 schools LOCKED DOWN because of idiots making threats to kill students here over the last few days too. It's getting out of control. So that's going to push all those gun control activists even more to want guns in the hands of John Q. Public to be either better controlled or taken away all together. And in a way I can't say I can blame them for feeling that way.

It's just the way I see it for the time being, and seems the news reports are confirming same because of all this.

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This is turning political very quick.

There are many places to discuss this issue. The LOR Forums, however, would not be one of those places.

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