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I've been wanting to do a LOR setup for a few years after seeing a house in the neighborhood. I just ordered the Basic edition of the software and plan on running 32 channels next year. Would anyone be so kind as to hook me up with a 32 channel sequence, preferably a TSO song. The family seriously digs their music but I honestly have no idea where to start. I have a few ideas but no clue how to execute them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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"The family seriously digs their music but I honestly have no idea where to start"

Originally, this year, I planned to do a number of pre-done sequences that people sent me or which I found on the internet. However, in the end, having received a number of them, I realise dnone really fit the set up of my house very well and so I started sequencing my own.

Granted I only have 16 channels, but within two weeks, I had seven songs fully sequenced and ready to go on my show, plus two more in the workings in case I increase the length of the show etc.

So my best advice to you would be to open up Sequence Editor, and Visualiser, and just start playing around yourself - checking out how you're doing in the Visualiser! :) It's long and lengthy but there's nothing better than getting stuck in, and learning the ropes yourself. Especially as you have until next Christmas to get it up :)

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do a search for copping sequences this should provide you with enough information to get the ball rolling. it did for me then it all clicked.

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Originally, this year, I planned to do a number of pre-done sequences that people sent me or which I found on the internet. However, in the end, having received a number of them, I realized none really fit the set up of my house very well and so I started sequencing my own.

That is always why I wonder how you can use someone else's sequence. There are no 2 houses the same. you would have to build all your stuff to match what they did.

You have 11 months, plenty of time to learn the software and come up with your own style of sequencing.

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the trick to using some one else's sequence is not to just put it in and go. use their timing marks or effects that you like to build your own. this gives you a base. if they have arches and i like them i would cut and paste it into my layout. if they have a mega tree and mine is a spiral i would use that and see if i like how it looks if i don't change things. sometimes i'm only able to find one or two channels that I even use but it gives me something to build from. I find it saves me time when i don't have it to completely do my own.

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After I started sequencing my first song I watched a few more videos, then I setup the visualizer. Holy cow, what a difference it makes. I know that the visualizer gives you a rough idea of what everything will look like but it made me completely rethink where I'm putting my lights next year. I watch a few videos everyday and get new ideas. Plus there's a bunch of stuff I'm finding on YouTube about building my own mini trees, leaping arches, etc... Not sure how much I will be incorporating into my setup but the wheels are turning. Thanks for the help everyone!

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If your going to build arches. I highly recommend the sleeved method. Easy to repair, easy to store. The person that thought this method up, did so after I got done wrapping my PVC. One day I am going to redo my arches and I will do so with the sleeved method.

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