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Can I do this?????

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You can wire as show.... I assume you are using mini lights and if so then with a single power feed (at 20 amps) you are limited to 5000-6000 lights on at one time. After that you trip the breaker in your house's breaker box.

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Why are you wanting to split your power that way? In the first picture you show 20 amps (12 AWG input) getting split between what is effectively three boards, thus only giving yourself only 6.66 amps per 8 channels max. To top that off, you should always use the 80% rule on the cords which only gives you 16 amps to split for the 24 channels. I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't just go ahead and put real male plugs on each 8 channels?

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You do know that with the 20 amp fuse and seperate power cords the 16D can handle 20amps per side. The 8D with the 20amp fuse can handle 20amps. That gives you 60amps total. The way you have it wired you could only go a max. of 20amps less 20%.

Seems like a waste to me.

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Well I will do it the normal way then but each 24 channels I only need 4800 lights, which is less then 20 amps. but it really doesnt make sense to do it that way i was just trying to make less plugs for the units.

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Thanks Jeff probably is a smarter Idea to do it that way for the future use, wheres do you think I would go about a unit to house a 16 and 8 channel controller, it would have to be like 15 inches long or so. I mean it doesnt bothe me making the enclusre outta topaware again, but I do it by burning the plastic and carving it to the size I need to fit the knockout holes.( probably am buring poisiness gases!!!!) And I dont like having my controllers sit on the ground.

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Thanks Jeff probably is a smarter Idea to do it that way for the future use, wheres do you think I would go about a unit to house a 16 and 8 channel controller, it would have to be like 15 inches long or so. I mean it doesnt bothe me making the enclusre outta topaware again, but I do it by burning the plastic and carving it to the size I need to fit the knockout holes.( probably am buring poisiness gases!!!!) And I dont like having my controllers sit on the ground.

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well... if you can wire it up right.. you really dont need 50 gazillion channels (imaginative , I know!) But it helps prove a point. you can set maybe at max 16 channels to control 48 light sets easily and be able to turn from one color to the next. I used 4 channels on my tree this year believe it or not and next year by the plans so far it will only double to about 8 LOR channels, yes that's 8, not 16, not 32 but just 8. i heard someone on here say once.. the simplier the better sometimes.. and to me for something like this i think this is a BIG factor. if you haven't already here's a preview of my tree with just 4 LOR channels in use.. http://computerizedchristmas.iodbbs.com/Wizardsinwinter2.mpg I'm just trying to maybe save you money in the long run! :) If you really do need the 48 channels then go for it, but i sometimes consider each set a channel.. a big waste! but your thinking seems decent.. but SEPERATE power lines is better than combined, lots more flexability in the long run.

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I don't see what the big deal is with multiple controllers on one ciircuit? If you don't need more than 20 amps, why waste multiple controllers? My mega tree has 5400 lights and 48 channels, but it only draws 18 amps if they are all on at once. So, I've got 3 16 channel controllers plugged into one circuit.

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This year my mega tree had 8 channels and I'm making a major upgrade to 48, It will be thet main item of my display, and thanks Jeff for explaining it to Derek, seemed like I was getting yelled at. lol

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