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sequence stops during play.

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Posted (edited)

i'm doing some testing and am running a couple of sequences i always use to test my system. but during the test about a min or so before it was done the sequence and all the lights ...everything just stopped ...hung up like someone hit the pause on the lor player and did nothing. so then i played one of my sequences and the same happened. what can i do or check. I have not run my show yet should i try that ? what am i missing?

Edited by Ralph D
Posted (edited)

How many channels? All LOR, or some DMX/E1.31?

Does the music stop too, or just the lights? So you're running from the sequence editor - does it act like the song just ends and is waiting for you to do a command, or do you have to click stop?

Edited by Tim Fischer

no i made a sequence with no song. so it just runs different parts of my show part by part its about 7 mins long. i reset my pc and running it again. will let you know. and i did also run a song. from the editor with music it did the same. the whole show justed stopped, at the point it stopped everything is paused. like if i were to hit stop and it just stops. strange. like i said i restarted my pc. checking it now.


ok bolth sequences worked fine. very strange


well im wrong. played one of my sequences ...all i want for christmas and things are just not right. and when i stop the song all the lights stay on now. and also my gutter led lights which had worked fine. now stay on, even if the sequence says to do anything, they are just on. what can i check for

hey tim all lor and all led. im runnign 3.8 lor , not sure what is happening. this is really strange


I'm really not that fluent in animation-only sequences, but I think there's a way to add a "pause and wait for input trigger" event. Is it possible you accidentally added one? Maybe someone who knows what they're talking about can help me out lol


Maybe run the verifier to confirm no channel conflicts, use hardware utility to manually check the functioning of the lights, and in cases like this I like to make a quick new sequence that turns everything on for a minute without any special effects just to test all the connections a different way. With the randomness of your current issues it kind of sounds like a combination of problems (maybe cat5 crack, water somewhere) but also the software itself. I did have my sequence editor crash on me earlier in my testing when I had the timings too close together (zooming to make them further apart stopped that crashing). Good luck!!

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