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Servodog virtual range?


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Still trying to get my head around the Servodog. It seems like with the virtual range and virtual stops that I should be able to set up LOR so that 0% is fullly one direction and 100% is fully the other regardless of what the actual pulse width or percentages are on the slider test.

I can of course just move LOR thru the actual values, but then why bother having virtual settings?

The users manual is kinda vague...no examples really. So everything I try seems to fall short of full deflection or grind past where I want it.

Has anyone REALLY figured this out?

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I am having the same issues understanding the Actual Pulse Range, Virtual Pulse Range, and Virtual Stops.  Did you figure these out?




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yes and no. I got things working, but I never felt confident that I fully understood what the programmer had in mind when he invented these settings. Some settings auto adjust when you change another setting. Some just seem flat out redundant. :unsure:


I did a lot of manually moving with the test setup and writing down the pulse numbers. For example, a mouth might go full open to full closed with 400-1200 uSec pulses.  Then you can set up so that LOR at 0% is sending 400 uSec out the ServoDog and at 100% is sending 1200 uSec. Set the virtual stops at 400 and 1200 so the ServoDog will never go beyond your hardware's limits no matter what it's commanded to do.


Be sure to write it all down or take a photo of the completed setup screen. Comes in handy if you have to swap a servo.


I'm rebuilding the penguins with better servos so I'll need to do this all over again. Maybe I'll gain a better understanding this time.


Oh, and buy spare servos. You might eat one or two trying to get this set right. I did. :wacko:

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