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new show on diy called lightmares

james campbell

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Holy crap was it awful. Made no sense for them to be with those people. One guy was just setting up lights to upset his neighbor and the other guy they profiled was a divorced dad trying to win over his kids that were coming to visit by putting a fe lights on his condo/office building.

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I watched it and it was painful to watch. The guy with his Mom must be a media w*hore. I've seen him on two different DIY shows before this mess of a show. One show he renovated his kitchen, the next show he installed the metal roof.

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I was not impressed either,I though the show could have been a few episodes longer,,,,everyone knows its takes forever to put these displays up

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I don't understand why it has to be a challenge or a race, some kind conflict or contest or all of the above. Why can't we just have a show where people show how they do it and harmlessly enjoy themselves.

Because no one in the general public would watch it. I've been in TV for 20 years and sadly if there's no drama, there's no money in it.


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Guest wbottomley

Because no one in the general public would watch it. I've been in TV for 20 years and sadly if there's no drama, there's no money in it.


You got that right. 16+ for TV and 2 for radio.

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Sounds similar to the show done on Home Haunters this year. It focused on the fringe, not the norm. Gave the hobby a bit of a bruise.

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Scubado- the Packer Game is on! Is there anything else on besides the sunday night game?...lol Sorry as aweful as they are playing tonight i am still gonna watch.

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i dont think Ponder is much of an issue...lol not much of a quarterback...lol.

Anyway I got rid of direct tv and went to full online so unless this is available somewhere online i wont get to see its awefullness.

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