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Light-O-Rama Forums

hi i'm newbie


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To get a feel for how everything fits together in the new world of show animation, take a look at Light-O-Rama typical setups: http://www.lightoram...icalSetups.html

Light-O-Rama has 8 and 16 channel controllers available to get you started. They all connect and work together so you will be able to build and extend your show each year.

You can begin with the 16 Channel Starter Package


Light-O-Rama has the DIY line with several different levels of kits.

http://store.lightor...iyproducts.html If you choose this group you will need to purchase the Generic Starter Package to get going. http://store.lightor...com/spk800.html

You may want to download the Light-O-Rama Software demo and try it out to see how you create your personal show.


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Hi and welcome.

Two suggestions. DO NOT attempt to do a show this year. This is not a plug and play hobby.

Second suggestion. Do not buy an 8 channel controller. This technology is obsolete and really put in an 8 channel controller that cost about 75% of an 16 controller and you will find that you need more channel real quickly. So you waste money on an obsolete controller. Obsolete cause they are no longer supporting it with firmware updates so I have heard. Where as the firmware has been supported and updated from time to time for the 16 channel controllers.

Like I said, do not attempt a show this year. Read and read some more. If you have not bought the software yet, you can still download it and run it in demo mode. You can sequence, save the files and run the anamation screen to get an idea how it will look. Just can not share your files or control any controllers. Oh, and have heard that some of the features are locked out. But you sure can learn alot mean time. Most new people will need to dedicate 10 hours per minute of music while on the learning curve. And that would be for about 48 - 64 channel set up.

Again welcome to the hobby (cue evil laugh)

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I just purchased my first Light-O-Rama controller 16 channels. Instead of building my own show this year I was looking into purchasing/free downloading a sequence. Any tips on how to make a sequence look good that is not one that you created? How do you know what to plug into what circuit and will look the best?

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I just purchased my first Light-O-Rama controller 16 channels. Instead of building my own show this year I was looking into purchasing/free downloading a sequence. Any tips on how to make a sequence look good that is not one that you created? How do you know what to plug into what circuit and will look the best?

The controller outlets known as channels have labels that correspond with the sequence channels. If you have more than one controller make sure to number each one so they don't get mixed up. If something on a downloaded sequence isn't for the light strand you want such as a window, Etc you can change the properties of that channel to a different channel. Ex. Channel 1> channel 2

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I just purchased my first Light-O-Rama controller 16 channels. Instead of building my own show this year I was looking into purchasing/free downloading a sequence. Any tips on how to make a sequence look good that is not one that you created? How do you know what to plug into what circuit and will look the best?

I am doing a 32 channel show and started 2 weeks ago and will probably pull off 8 songs done from mostly scratch. The more custom you make it to your house the better it looks... if you are good at it. I have some skills in animation with Adobe Flash from back in the day so I pulled off my first 2 songs pretty well. Prob took somewhere from 2-4 hours a min for 32 channels. But I am pretty picky.

I say do less songs but do them well.

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