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Good enough?


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At some point of time when I am sequencing, like tonight, I just have to say "It's good enough for who it's for". Knowing that the average person will only see it once.

I am just getting too knit picky and need to move on.

Bartender, bring Jo Bo a refill.

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Yes, the "average person" doesn't see your sequenced lights the way you do.

so the fact that it fades over 4 timings and not 3 is no big deal?

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I agree with all that's said. I know there's much more detail I can add for every sound in the song, but I watch my sequence and realize that any average joe will be amazed just because its playing on their radio.

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I build all my sequences for me. The majority of the time I have to point out subtle effects. I have found that most people get fixated on one element in the display and don't notice the others. I've pointed out the one color is drum, and one color is bass only to have people respond "Oh whow I didn't notice that. How do you do that?" I got the same response when I had 16 channels as now when I have 160 channels.

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I found myself last year fixing the problems and updating my light show with the changes. Stupid thing is...not even my wife noticed the difference. LOL

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Last year, one time I noticed an element coming on when it shouldn't have not realizing that part of the display wasn't working due to a power supply needing a reset.

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This year I added some new lights & have been going through lastr years sequences to integrate these new lights.

Found it amazing how many mistakes I found in last years sequences which I had not noticed at all.

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This year I added some new lights & have been going through lastr years sequences to integrate these new lights.

Found it amazing how many mistakes I found in last years sequences which I had not noticed at all.

I have seen several of you videos and I have not seen any mistakes,,,,I think you have one of the best displays around
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