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Sequencing mini trees


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I am trying to sequence 8 mini trees with three colors in each tree (RGW). How should I allocate the channels - should I go 1-8 for red and then 9 to 16 for green and then 17 to 24 for white or is there a better way.

Thanks, Ranjan

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Personal preference. If it were me, I would put tree 1 on 1,2,3 - tree 2 on 4,5,6 and so on. Why? When it comes to display season I would find it easier to connect the trees to the controllers.

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Don, what about the logic of keeping the sequences in groups of 4. Aparently this is the best set up for LOR. So should I use Tree1 to Tree 4 -(1-4) Red color, Tree1 to Tree 4(4-8) - Green color,Tree1 to Tree 4(8-12) - white color respectively

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You have two different things going on here.

1) The physical connection to the controller.

2) The manner in which you decide to sequence your songs and set up your display.

How you end up connecting to the controllers is up to you. So long as you have the channels defined in the sequence editor, you can put the channels where ever you want. Want red on 2,4,6 and green on 11,12,13 and blue on 1,3,9? Go ahead and do so.

As for the group of 4 - its one way to do it, but I wouldn't call it the 'best' way. A good way for troubleshooting? Sure. The best for every situation? I'd say no, but some might say yes.

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I do mine 1-8 red. I find it is easier for me to sequence and keep everything organized.

Just to play devils advocate here - you could re-arrange the channels so that the Red items are grouped together. Then you would be able to hook them up however you wished and still have them in the sequence editor in a way that makes it easier for you.

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I always grouped my colors together for display items.. this way if for some reason I lost a controller I simply lost a color for part of the display and not a whole element or elements... ie. it was easy to patch up a sequence while I waited for parts...


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I to have 8 mini trees three colors and am sequencing the following way: chls 1-8 are red 9-16 are white and 17-24 are green. Of course this happens over two boxes but i found it easier in the sequence editor. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a similar setup for last year using 5 mini trees each with three colors (red, green, white) and a white star on top of each (stars sharing one channel). This worked out well as it used 16 channels or one controller. To ease programming, I did lay them out by color on the sequence editor (5 red, 5 green then 5 white). This made it easier to have a chase across the trees in one color. As stated above, you could achieve the same by changing the sequence of the unit numbers in the sequence editor and having unit 1,2,3 on first tree; 4,5,6 on second; etc. Then the unit numbers would be 1,4,7...2,5,8.....3,6,9.... (for five trees) as you go down the list in the sequence editor.

Either way works fine and the results look great! I added them to 14 songs and was pleased with the results.

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I have 10 mini tree's plus 1 larger tree, each with 4 colors (RGBW). I do it mini1 channel 1-4, mini 2 channel 5-8, etc. I do it that way for a couple of reasons, first, when making extension cords, I can make 4 of the same length for each tree. second, I can zip tie the cords together and mark them with the color and channel which helps in setup the following year. If you group them that way, you use less wire, plus less spaghetti running through the yard, also, grouping them like that keeps the controller next to the lights it's controlling, which helps in troubleshooting if needed. But that's just me....

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Base it on controller location. So instead of keeping the colors all together split them up so you can be closer to the controller, because you can use groups to arrange the channels in the sequence editor any way you like to make the sequencing easier.

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I am trying to sequence 8 mini trees with three colors in each tree (RGW). How should I allocate the channels - should I go 1-8 for red and then 9 to 16 for green and then 17 to 24 for white or is there a better way.

Thanks, Ranjan

This is the way I do It. My sequencing preference is to do the colors together. This way if I want to chase 1 color, I can. My controllers are close enough to my trees that I only used ~25 feet of SPT-2 anyway. Like what was already posted, it really comes down to how it makes sense and what is easier for you.

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