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Video Recording your show


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Hey everyone.

Was just curious what eveyone used to video record their shows. I have a point and shoot cam that does 640x480 and went with that. My HI8 didnt do so well. and my iphone was about the same as the camera. The lights bleed out really bad on the camcorder and the cameras fuzzy. Would like to invest in something for next year that shoots well. Just to let you know, I'm not sure what's up with our new neighborhood but no one leaves any lights on and there are no street lights. It is absolutely pitch black. Great for the live display, but filming is difficult to say the least. Anything that will shoot in 720P thats in the $500 or less price range?

Here's my one youtube video I did the other night. Would prefer some better quality!

This was even after some clean up in Premier CS5, but my source just sux.


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I hope you have better luck videoing than I ever did. The first year I used my "Oh Honey, Look at what the baby is doing" video camera and the results were terrible. I used a tripod, the low light setting and everything. The next year I hired a professional videographer. Well actually he was a graduate film student looking for work, and using a $20K camera we got estentially the same results. Worst was that the second guy didn't even notice the street light a block over was glaring around the corner of my house. It looked likt the Moom over Miami. I've given up. The only thing I would like to try if I ever did it again would be to film right at sunset or sunrise. I live on a fairly busy street and don't think I could get through an entire song with out a car or truck driving through the scene. I would have to block off both ends of my block for 30 minutes to get the entire show.

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Pretty good idea guys. I wasn't going to take down my stuff until this weekend. I think I will try shooting at dusk and see what happens. My biggest problem is the darkness of our street. It just makes the rope light very oversaturated in the videos. My neighbor said I could shoot from their yard. Maybe being back a bit will help with that. I was interested if anyone was using a particular model of camera that they have had good results with.

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I used a video camera with a hard drive in it and it was OK.

Last year I got an iPhone for Christmas and used that and was very impressed!

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