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What is the best way to set up a sequence?


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I think the best way to set up a sequence is the way that makes the most sense to you. Guidelines are great, but not much help if you have to shoehorn your display into it to get it to fit. Do what makes it easiest for you to sequence, and don't worry about the recommendations.


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I think the best way to set up a sequence is the way that makes the most sense to you. Guidelines are great, but not much help if you have to shoehorn your display into it to get it to fit. Do what makes it easiest for you to sequence, and don't worry about the recommendations.



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Thank you for your comment. I guess my issues has been going from year to year, when adding new channels and new items to the display. I have never liked the LOR software, in that you can't just add a new item in the middle of track 1 and then copy the new channel configuration into other sequences and expect it to work. So adding new items at the end of track 1 every year, ends up making track 1 a great big hodge podge mess. For example, I first started out with 16 channels on my megatree. Two years later, I added 16 more channels. This year, we are adding an additional 16 channels. Those groups of channels are spread out in track 1 because of the feature I mentioned above.

It looks to me as if the recommendation that LOR gives might account for adding new features over the years. That is why I wouldn't mind fixing track 1 to something that they recommend if it means I don't have a mess, like I do now.

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Thank you for your comment. I guess my issues has been going from year to year, when adding new channels and new items to the display. I have never liked the LOR software, in that you can't just add a new item in the middle of track 1 and then copy the new channel configuration into other sequences and expect it to work. So adding new items at the end of track 1 every year, ends up making track 1 a great big hodge podge mess. For example, I first started out with 16 channels on my megatree. Two years later, I added 16 more channels. This year, we are adding an additional 16 channels. Those groups of channels are spread out in track 1 because of the feature I mentioned above.

It looks to me as if the recommendation that LOR gives might account for adding new features over the years. That is why I wouldn't mind fixing track 1 to something that they recommend if it means I don't have a mess, like I do now.

The thing that got me this year was I moved. And planning only works if you don't make major changes (RGB, and major elements changes that you never could have thought about).

even thought track 1 turns to crap i'm going to stick with it b/c I know it will always work year to year.

Only other choice is to not reuse last years show.

What is four channels now may turn into one later or something completely different. I guess at some point you start over, or like most hobbies you graduate to the better way.

Who thought learning continues after school????????

Edited by dknahoolewa
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Only other choice is to not reuse last years show.

Bite your tongue...resetting up everything year after year ? I'd have to shoot myself. :blink: I don't use the same songs every year, but defining a new setup every year would be torture.

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Bite your tongue...resetting up everything year after year ? I'd have to shoot myself. :blink: I don't use the same songs every year, but defining a new setup every year would be torture.

Don't think that came out right....Point being do what makes sense to you. My point "that might change from year to year"

I redid everything....but had good reason for it, I moved.

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Thank you for your comment. I guess my issues has been going from year to year, when adding new channels and new items to the display. I have never liked the LOR software, in that you can't just add a new item in the middle of track 1 and then copy the new channel configuration into other sequences and expect it to work. So adding new items at the end of track 1 every year, ends up making track 1 a great big hodge podge mess. For example, I first started out with 16 channels on my megatree. Two years later, I added 16 more channels. This year, we are adding an additional 16 channels. Those groups of channels are spread out in track 1 because of the feature I mentioned above.

It looks to me as if the recommendation that LOR gives might account for adding new features over the years. That is why I wouldn't mind fixing track 1 to something that they recommend if it means I don't have a mess, like I do now.


If you add new controllers in S3 you can group the channels then move the group up or down where ever you like on you sequence. And after you move your channels around you can save it as a new template for new songs. I added new channels this year and moved a few channels up towards the top of controller #1. That way all my house lights (windows, doors and such) are all together in one place when programming.

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maybe your not using the current software? i can move and group my channels without using tracks.

Edited by MCas4380
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My advice is to have two tracks - one master track and one for groups. If you add new channels to the BOTTOM (and ONLY the bottom) of the master track each year and DON'T CHANGE THE ORDER OF ANY CHANNELS IN THIS TRACK, you can import a new configuration easily and errorlessly into older sequences.

Using the second track for groups allows you to move things around any way you want for sequencing. Each year, when you setup your new channels, you'll also need to add copies of any new channels into whatever groups they belong.

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Don't think that came out right....Point being do what makes sense to you. My point "that might change from year to year"

I redid everything....but had good reason for it, I moved.

Moving...I haven't thought of that. THAT would solve everything. :D

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If you add new controllers in S3 you can group the channels then move the group up or down where ever you like on you sequence. And after you move your channels around you can save it as a new template for new songs. I added new channels this year and moved a few channels up towards the top of controller #1. That way all my house lights (windows, doors and such) are all together in one place when programming.

I am nervous to use groups again after last year's disaster. All of my sequences were completely ruined. Does anyone know if they fixed all of the bugs they had with groups? It is not worth it to me to use groups again if the bugs still exist. All the new software states is that it 'fixed bugs', I can't find a list of the bugs that were fixed.

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I also have never had or heard of any kind of serious issue with Groups, even in the beta releases. LOR wouldn't distribute software with such a catastrophic bug - that would have certainly been picked up by the beta testing. With all due respect, I'm thinking operator error. Amie, if you'd like to PM me with the things you had happen I'll see if I can help figure out what went wrong.

One of the most common issues comes from channels not being in the same order in every sequence. If you're not using a master track approach, it's critical, above all else, that you keep your groups and/or channels in the exact same order in every sequence. There can be no exceptions. If you're adding channels in the middle of groups and/or tracks, you have to manually make those exact same changes in every sequence you want to update, and you have to do it with 100% accuracy each and every time. Been there, done that, don't recommend it. Master track method is much simpler and completely pain-free.

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I also have never had or heard of any kind of serious issue with Groups, even in the beta releases. LOR wouldn't distribute software with such a catastrophic bug - that would have certainly been picked up by the beta testing. With all due respect, I'm thinking operator error. Amie, if you'd like to PM me with the things you had happen I'll see if I can help figure out what went wrong.

I wish it had been user error, but it wasn't. I don't need to prove anything to anyone, I have already been in touch with LOR, many times last year and given them the exact specifications of the error. I am a computer programmer and have been a software tester for many, many year, so I thoroughly tested it before sending them anything.

The basic idea of the error is if you move or delete a channel in a group that is in a track other than track 1, it will affect track 1. So if you delete a channel from a group in track 2, that item gets deleted in track 1. This, in turn, will mess up all channels below that channel in track 1. So if you save that sequence, not knowing you accidentally removed a channel in the middle of track 1, then upload it to other sequences, you now have a mess that can take hours to undo. Go through this process 2-3 times, in a couple of different sequences, and you will be rewriting all of your sequences.

My solution...only use groups to copy sections of channels to different tracks, then immediately remove the group that surrounds the channels. Another solution was to write a program that opens, views and manipulates xml files. Without that, I never would have had a show last year. I will be just as cautious this year, making sure I keep backups every step of the way.

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Sorry. Messed up on reading OP.

But since I'm here, it does sound messy. This talk of "Groups" and "Tracks" and stuff. I guess that's why I prefer old school.

Edited by Santas Helper
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