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CCR Repairs


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I sent in a CCR ribbon that was having issues with a few pixels to be repaired. I sent it on October 3rd received at LOR on October 5th. I sent a second message on the help desk.

854938019535 Fed ex number

Fri, Oct 19 2012 8:26am I was wondering on the last ticket it shows closed on the ccr repair that you received on the 5th of October. I was wanting to know the status of the repair. Thanks, Brian

Fri, Oct 19 2012 8:36am - Chuck Smith Anything The system closes the ticket when there's been no updates. No need to worry. As soon as we know something, you will too.

Kind of wondering its to be a 3 week turn around and that would be tomorrow with still now word on how its going. I would figure after 3 weeks I would get some kind of status update. Don't seem to help by using the help desk.

Edited by friskybri
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dan I find it disrespectful for a company to just ignore a customer that has tried many times to contact you the correct way. I am at my end with the poor cutsomer service and responces with return time 2 to 3 weeks.

October 2nd

Brian Jones,

A Light-O-Rama help desk staff member has replied to your request, #644957 with the following response:

You can send the ribbon to:

Light O Rama REPAIRS

RMA: 644957

22 Hudson Falls Rd.

Unit 52

South Glens Falls NY 12803

Include a description of the problem and a return shipping address. Turnaround time once we receive the unit is typically two-three weeks.

We hope this has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please login to your account at the address below for a complete archive of all your help desk requests and responses.

Over the past 3 weeks I have been asking what the status of my ccr repair that I sent back on October 3rd and you received it October 5th. I have tried the Help desk (what a Joke) See first post.

Second I emailed you and send you a pm on this with no replies to anything.

Sent 30 October 2012 - 07:05 PM

Dan, I am not much one to complain about issues but I tried going through the help desk. I sent my CCR in October 3rd and after 2 weeks I heard nothing So I sent a ticket in and asked about the ccr. The website says 2 to 3 week turn around its just shy of 4. I figured I would hear something by now.

Fri, Oct 19 2012 8:26am

I was wondering on the last ticket it shows closed on the ccr repair that you received on the 5th of October. I was wanting to know the status of the repair. Thanks, Brian

Fri, Oct 19 2012 8:36am - Chuck Smith Anything

The system closes the ticket when there's been no updates. No need to worry. As soon as we know something, you will too.

What really ticks me off is I called yesterday morning and BRIAN picked up the phone. Said Mary will call me back. No call back. I called again today and Brian picked up the phone. I gave him the tracking number, Expected a call back again today with no call again. This is really poor service. I would least have expected lost it, cant find it, some kind of reply to anything that I have sent. Working on it, it will be out by next week. something. Now we are at 5 weeks.


Ticked off customer Brian Jones.

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Then they need to hire seasonal help. Most company's do when they know they get overwhelmed during part of the season.

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Then they need to hire seasonal help. Most company's do when they know they get overwhelmed during part of the season.

The issue is that with seasonal companies like this just hiring someone for the season may not help because those people will only be able to do medial tasks because they dont have the experience to deal with anything of importance. Its easy enough to hire extras for packing and shipping but for technical and hardware issues then this is not so easy.

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Repairs right now are swamped. Repairs usually take 2-3 weeks, but during this time of year take longer. That's why we say 'Typically'. This time of year is not typical.

I looked through your ticket history and only see 3 tickets. One back on March 15, where we sent you a replacement the next day, and the 2 for this current issue 1 for the actual problem, they other one asking why your ticket is closed. I apologize that Chuck did not fully explain how our help desk system works. We only have a single queue, so we close all tickets on response. That does not mean your issue is resolved, nor that we are ignoring you. We simply close the ticket to help clean up the queue so we can keep an eye on new issues. You can reopen a ticket at any time by adding something to it.

I will re-open your ticket and assign it to the repair department. That should give you a better idea of what is going on.

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Then they need to hire seasonal help. Most company's do when they know they get overwhelmed during part of the season.

Some companies have a difficult time predicting exactly what season they are going to be busy during.

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You ribbon was located and repaired yesterday and will ship out today.

As far as support, we do hire seasonal help and have triple the full time staff but repairs have fallen behind this year a little more than usual. As far as why people are not updated I am not sure but will look into it.

The last two weeks it has been difficult to keep up with the phone calls and trouble tickets as the increased seasonal support activity is 100% higher than last year which is far beyond the 30% increase what we had planned for.

Best regards,


Light O Rama, Inc.

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I'm Sorry I had to go this far. All I ask is just keep people updated when they ask. Even if you say its number 5 to be repaired should be done in a week. I'm ok with that. It's when you call a few times, email and use the ticket desk just to ask how is it going. No information was being supplied nor if they even had it. That's what bothered me the most.

Thank you Dan for addressing this issue. Case CLOSED. Brian

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I think the misunderstanding came on the second ticket when you asked why your first ticket was closed. What you were really asking about is "What's the status of my repair", and we should have figured that out. While you received a technically correct answer, it was completely useless. (See also: Microsoft & Helicopter trouble).

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