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No Light Show News Worthy?

CLD Kevin

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I said many times there is no show this year, but that doesnt stop the news people keep showing up and knocking on my neighbors doors. So instead of the story being about the show...it's about no show. I pulled out of my driveway today and guess who was out front....lol.

So tonight I saw a bunch of lights out front. I looked out the window and there was maybe 10 car and people sitting in lawn chairs??!! I had to go there and tell them no show this year. lol. One couple was sitting in thier car for an hour.

Yesterday, GMA, CNN, Huffington Post, FOX called me asking when is the show starting. I told them the sad story and gave them the number to my HOA. My HOA is being hammered with calls. haha

Also made the front cover to my local paper today. Kinda funny my boss calls me and told be while is was on the toilet, he open the paper and saw my house.



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Seems discussions about HOA's bring out the best/worst in people. It looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree on the topic of HOA's for the time being.

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Seems discussions about HOA's bring out the best/worst in people. It looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree on the topic of HOA's for the time being.

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It would be nice to re-open this thread with the "positive support" that was mentioned instead of taking it all away.

No need commenting again now IMHO.

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SO can you do an Less Extreme Display on the Back of your House :) that can be viewed oin the street behind yours ,

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Kevin, This news did make it all over the country. I've had friends send the news link to me via facebook saying: "If you ever feel like expanding your light show to Halloween, here's some inspiration:" You have an amazing talent. I hope you find a new home for the next year's show. Look at the bright side... Do you still have the key to the city?

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