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Importing Visualizations not working


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Hey all. I have been toying around with SuperStar and am having some hangups. I have 3 RGB Elements in my show and I am trying import the Viz files for them into Superstar. When I do, the layout of the props and fixtures gets all screwed up. For example, I have a 8 RGB Channel Holdman Style star. When import the viz file, superstar recreates it as a bunch of dots all over the screen, looks nothing like the viz file. The same thing happens when I import my RGB Mini Tree Line in, just dots at the top and bottom corners of the trees, nothing inbetween.... I have attached screen shots. Am I doing something wrong or is this one of those "deal with it" issues?



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Have not had this reported before. Please email the visualization files exhibiting the problem to brian@superstarlights.com

The visualizatin files will end with .lee and will be at:

c:\ <your lightorama folder> \ Visualizations \ Editor

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Would something like this occur if all the elements were fixtures and not built into props but layered on top of each other.

they would look right in visualizer (?)...

Just a thought .. at work... bored .. I'll sit down now ..


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Bob, they are fixtures built into props and set in order, just as the SS Help file suggests...

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I got the two files and I duplicated the problem. The bug happens for RGB strings of lights where all the lights in the string change colors together. The current code is only drawing a bulb at the endpoint locations, and is not drawing regularly spaced bulbs in between those endpoints. I will fix it for the next release, and untill then, the workaround is to realize you are only seeing the end points, or you can draw your objects with regularly spaced endpoints. For example, draw the straight lines on your trees as a series of straight lines.

If it was me, I would just realize I am looking at the endpoints and wait for the next release for it to get fixed.

Also, on a separate issue, your tree prop has a series of tree fixtures in it. The SuperStar code orders them on the sequencing grid in the same order as they appear in the prop in the visualizer. This is to give you the ability to order them however you want. If you want to order them, do the following:

1) launch the visualizer

2) Right now, all the trees are the same name. Give them each a unique name such as Tree 01, Tree 02 etc.

3) In the props list on the right, double click on the prop that contains the trees.

4) In the "General" tab in the Prop dialog box it has a list of the fixtures in the prop, click on "Change Order of Fixtures"

5) Drag the fixtures around into the order you want, click on Ok

Now when you import into SuperStar the trees fixtures in the prop will be mapped in order to the green sequencing squares at the top

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I got the two files and I duplicated the problem. The bug happens for RGB strings of lights where all the lights in the string change colors together. The current code is only drawing a bulb at the endpoint locations, and is not drawing regularly spaced bulbs in between those endpoints. I will fix it for the next release, and untill then, the workaround is to realize you are only seeing the end points, or you can draw your objects with regularly spaced endpoints. For example, draw the straight lines on your trees as a series of straight lines.

If it was me, I would just realize I am looking at the endpoints and wait for the next release for it to get fixed.

Also, on a separate issue, your tree prop has a series of tree fixtures in it. The SuperStar code orders them on the sequencing grid in the same order as they appear in the prop in the visualizer. This is to give you the ability to order them however you want. If you want to order them, do the following:

1) launch the visualizer

2) Right now, all the trees are the same name. Give them each a unique name such as Tree 01, Tree 02 etc.

3) In the props list on the right, double click on the prop that contains the trees.

4) In the "General" tab in the Prop dialog box it has a list of the fixtures in the prop, click on "Change Order of Fixtures"

5) Drag the fixtures around into the order you want, click on Ok

Now when you import into SuperStar the trees fixtures in the prop will be mapped in order to the green sequencing squares at the top

Thanks Brian! I appreciate the quick response and workarounds. I'm not planning on sequencing anything with SS for this year, so this gives me all next year to figure it out and get all the big fuxes.

Thanks again,


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