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Simulate DMX interface


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Is there a way to fool LOR into thinking that there's a DMX interface connected? I want to program without all connections made to the system

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You are missing something. The computer I sequence on does not normally have anything attached to it. The only time I attach any hardware to it is if I'm trying to make sure something works or to make sure I really do know what I'm trying to do. For example recently I hooked up a single DC controller to that computer via a USB485 adapter to test interactive operation. I also recently hooked up a SanDevices E1.31 controller to see if I could make that work. Scary part is that both of those tests were successful (the first time even) :)

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No, but to assign a channel as RGB it seems I do. Am I missing something?

That should not be necessary. When you bring up the channel dialog it should ask for device type, where you can select DMX. What do you see?

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What version of LOR do you have and what license level are you at?

I believe you have to have an ADVANCED license for DMX.

I have the Advanced so I dont know if DMX or it features are present, greyed out, or absent on the basic, Basic+ and Standeard versions.


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