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Christmas Sequences?


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I'm wanting to start my own show for christmas but I don't have any christmas sequences I have a 16 channel setup with 2 roof strands, 5 windows (chaser), 3 pumpkin/santa with helpers (talk), 3 garage lights, and 3 floods. But if anyone is willing to share any sequences with audio please PM or email me at zachthedj@gmail.com



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Thanks Don and yes I knew about that thread but don't really like some sequences I saw but I'll give it a shot


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  • 2 weeks later...

shoot me your email to me I have a very large 16 channel christmas sequences collection will share hotrod54ford@yahoo.com

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I'll take a gander at those james, I have a few ( 6 ) sequence's done but i can use some more.

Im tring to do two shows a night so i would be grateful for a couple. Thanks mate.



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Not to sound redundant but I would also love to have some sequences. James and Dennis I sent you emails. If you could help me that would be fantastic. Please and thank you in advance.

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