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Ramsey worth the price?


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well i wish i was just having these problems. I made the mistake, i guess by going with the whole house transmitter 2.0 from lor and being a newbie to it all what a disappointment i cant even get a clear signal across the street from my house. Bought two controllers ,check. learned to half a## program made up about 12 songs, check. and at best no one can hear my music playing helpppppp I have been looking around and hearing about the ramsy is it worth the 130 bucks or just gonna be the same ole thing. would appreciate any feed back and thanks.

A total newbie

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If you decide on an EDM do it quickly or it will not arrive in time. It does take nearly a month to arrive. I ordered mine about a month ago and it arrived yesterday. That's what happens when it ships to the U.S. from South Africa.

Is an EDM worth it? Don't know yet, but the forums say so. You can get it for $143 with shipping included if you go without the enclosure. Then put it an electrical box for $6.89 from HD. It saves you the $9 going that way. The custom EDM enclosures are $15. Search the forums if you need to, but I'd say 90% of the topics related to transmitters will eventually end up saying get an EDM.

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I ordered my backup EDM on 9/25/12 got it yesterday 10/13/12. My primary has been running for 3 years now without any problems.


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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was mentioned that there is a hidden switch for a higher power output. Read up on some of the threads concerning transmitters, there might be some suggestions on antenna mods as well. EDM is the #1 choice around here. If you decide to sell your transmitter, do it on Ebay, it won't sell here, unless some newbie doesn't do their homework first. Sorry.

Welcome to the madness!

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Using EDM as my primary for several trouble free years now. The Ramsey FM100 I assembled work well for one season, but blew in the middle of the next season a few years ago which really made me mad when the show was out for several days. At that time I ordered a MBB because they could ship very fast. But upgraded to EDM as soon as I could, retaining the MBB as a backup transmitter. I also owned a Ramsey fm10 for a while. It could be heard across the street. But had a problem with drifting signal as it warmed up and was hard to tune with no leds on it. But it was still WAY better than the whole house style (not that brand) I had before that which only could be heard a few feet away. The EDM is my 6th transmitter and not planning any new ones. I wish I had not spent so long trying to find a cheaper alternative.

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well i wish i was just having these problems. I made the mistake, i guess by going with the whole house transmitter 2.0 from lor and being a newbie to it all what a disappointment i cant even get a clear signal across the street from my house. Bought two controllers ,check. learned to half a## program made up about 12 songs, check. and at best no one can hear my music playing helpppppp I have been looking around and hearing about the ramsy is it worth the 130 bucks or just gonna be the same ole thing. would appreciate any feed back and thanks.

A total newbie

if you build a quarter wave antenna, it really helps low power transmitters.


prob links here on LOR to antenna design

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I have two Ramsey's, I purchased a spare in case I had any problems, but I've never had any problems. The first one has been transmitting for about 4 years now ( I use it for outside FM speakers all year long). The second one has only been out of it's box for testing.

I think they are well worth the price.

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I bought 2 broken 1 watt ramseys on ebay for 125, then sent them to ramsey so they could go thru them and repair, they charged 100 bucks to fix both. So for 225 i have 2 awesome 1 watt ramseys that work perfect. So if you find a broken one cheap enough then pay ramsey 50 bucks to fix you can come out ahead. They are awesome transmitters.

Edited by Sabre03
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I bought my Ramsey 25b and had no issues with it, even with the factory antenna that comes with it.

Until... It went swimming one Christmas season. Even then, It was still broadcasting while underwater.

This last year it gave out and I was lucky enough to have a Ham radio guy take pitty on me and fix it. I have sence built external antennas for it. Started with a J-pole and have settled on a Dip pole. Ham guy helped tune antenna and it is crazy good. Though he says its MAJORLY Illegal.... Oh well....As long as Im not squashing any local radio stations or disturbing the locals...

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