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Has anyone sequenced "Lights"?


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So the consensus was the favorite non-Christmas song to sequence for 2012 was "Call Me Maybe", I voted for it too. I've got a sequence shared by Columbus27, which is awesome. I'm also using the song to try to create my first ever sequence, as I'm new to this this year. The more I try, the more I realize just how challenging sequencing is. I'm only doing 16 channels. I don't even know how many hours I've invested, and I'm only done about 45 seconds of the song. But I'm having fun learning.

Anyway, another song that was mentioned in the thread was "Lights" by Ellie Goulding (sp?). I think that song would also be really cool. Having young kids who like that kind of music, they'd love to have those songs incorporated into our display. Has anyone done this song yet? I'd wish I could say that I'll be able to try to do it, but the reality is I'll be lucky to get my Call Me Maybe done before the holidays. So if anyone has Lights done and is willing to share, I'd really appreciate it! I've only got 16 channels to use, so I'm sure I'll have to cut a lot out, but it's better than nothing.

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I'm a newbie and I would love to add Lights to my show

You might get some use out of those controllers if you had lights plugged into them :P

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I have about a minute of this song sequenced. I would post to the forum by not sure how to do so yet. Send me your email and I would be more than happy to share what I have done.

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I have about a minute of this song sequenced. I would post to the forum by not sure how to do so yet. Send me your email and I would be more than happy to share what I have done.

I would love to see this


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I sent you all the final sequence to this song. Let me know what you think.

I would like this also mate.

my daughter and i both say thanks


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I am just finishing Drummer Boy by the tokens, I will do lights next. Hopefully by tonight I will have it done. I will keep u posted and email to those who have asked for the singing faces. I have all my finished projects in a dropbox folder. I will share that tonight when I have finished lights.


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I am just finishing Drummer Boy by the tokens, I will do lights next. Hopefully by tonight I will have it done. I will keep u posted and email to those who have asked for the singing faces. I have all my finished projects in a dropbox folder. I will share that tonight when I have finished lights.


Drummer boy by the tokens is done, the vixen file has it completed with lights, the lights are not sequenced in the .lms filee but the signing voices are there with a second track of my old sequence that you could use.

I am almost done putting mouths to lights, keep checking my dropbox for updates, and feel free to use any of the signing faces files I have. I especially like the sandstorm remix that I have done, it is in the new years folder.

Here is link to dropbox, enjoy, and thank you everyone for all your help.



Please send any thing to me that you would like faces put too.


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