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Beat Wizard

Ted W

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Second year doing this, thought I would see if the BW is better than the Tapper. It will play the song, and a blue square will light up all the way to 3, which is what is picked, when the song ends, the apply button is not highlighted, so I exit and nothings happens

Working with Little Drummer Boy and cannot seem to get the drum sequencing right either by hand / ear, or by the Tapper. Thought this might be better...........Help.....Again

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The blue squares are just for the preview. You don't actually need to do that at all.

As soon as you launch the Beat Wizard, the "Apply" button should be enabled. If not, then something is wrong.

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In the Demo and Basic versions the Beat Wizard is a 'Demo' feature. Haven't run a demo/basic version in quite a while, but if that's what you are running, that might be the reason it's grayed out.

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