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Servo Dog 1st test


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looks great! would really like to know how the arm movements are being done. there might be hope for my full skeletons to get into this year's halloween show yet!

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Thanks guys. Being that I built a "stage" for the skeleton I was able to have all the servos attached to 2x4's on the top on the "stage". I used a light guage fishing to run the arms and the curtains.To run his mouth I attached a servo inside the rib cage and used a 14 guage wire that I painted to match the color of the skeleton. I am running 10 servos 4 on a 2 way splitter (the curtains and backup singers which are not shown in the video) I am attaching some pics. If I can answer anymore questions or you need more detailed pics let me know.


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Hi Shawn,

Thanks that was helpful. But could you tell us what make and model those servos are? Would like to get some idea as to how big and powerful they might have to be to do this or something like this in the future. So far the two small planes and small helis dont use the larger size servos. Everything I have is mini in size.

Thanks for sharing.

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I am running standard size HiTec Hs-322HDs that i got from servo city for about $11.00 a piece. It does not require heavy duty servos beacuse the arms are very light on the skeleton. I did try the Hitec mini servo HS-55 in the beginning and that did fine on running the mouth of my original test skeleton, although I did not try running the arms with it.

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Shawn, again, great job!

MP, the servos I use in my skulls are the HiTec 425BB's also abt $11/ea.. my skulls are the Lindbergh plastic skulls. If you use the resin skulls (buckys), then go with the 645MG's (metal gears, abt $27/ea) as the 425's wear out quickly trying to throw the heavier skull around.. If you're just doing just the jaw and not the 3-axis skull movements, then the 425's should be ok.

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Thanks TJ, my servo dog would still be in the box if not for your help. Being that this is my first time even working with servos what is the difference between what I am running(322HD) and the 425BB? I would be interested in finding smoother running and something a bit more on the quiet side. Would the 425 solve either of those issues?

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MP, thanks, but I just tell people, it isnt talent, just repetition =)

Shawn, the 322/425's should be ok if you're using just the plastic skulls.. the hard resin ones (bucky skulls) are just too heavy for the lighter servos to throw around. The 645MGs, (almost $50/ea now) are best for th the Buckys, or for moving arms, legs, etc.. As for the noise level of them, the BB's are the quietest, but then, you're limited with the weight they can throw around.

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