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Live Halloween


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I go live this weekend people are stopping by asking when will it start. Ran all my sequence test last weekend had to fix a few I have 4 different shows about 30 sequences each loaded up my projector with all my halloween videos ran them this morning every thing ready to go

Edited by james morris
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Wow! I thought I'd start mine mid-October, but it seems like everyone starts pretty early in October! I guess I better get myself in gear and get everything setup.

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We have a house around the corner that is fully blown decorated. Looks like I need to get the ball rolling.

It seems so early for such a small holiday, but I guess people love Halloween. I will have to get out the huge ladder and figure out how to hang my monster heads this coming weekend .... ugh.

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I attach mine to those removable green fence post.

Well, I'm trying to hang mine from the upper part of our house, because I already have too much stuff for the yard... and lets just say... it's pretty high up. If one of them falls, it's going to bust into a million pieces. ugh.

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