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Upgrade Question


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Currently I am running 2.7.6 basic edition. I want to upgrade to S3 since a few of the sequences I have received are in S3. What is the process to make this change? I am new to LOR and don't know if this is an upgrade or if I have to buy the S3 from scratch. Also, which version is recommended? Right now I am running 16 channels this first year with faces, moving to 32 channels next year.

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You have several options.

Please remember there is a difference between 'Upgrading' and 'Renewing'. An upgrade will take you from 1 feature level to another. A renewal gives you access to new software at the same level. An upgrade comes with a renewal. You only need to purchase one or the other.

You could purchase an UPGRADE from Basic to another level (Basic +/ etc). You would then have that level and a renewal (so you could go to S3)

You could purchase a RENEWAL. You would still have Basic, but you could also move to S3.

Upgrade here:http://store.lightorama.com/s2soup.html

Renew here:http://store.lightorama.com/solire.html

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If you pay the $20 upgrade from basic to basic plus, (or any higher level) your license date gets reset, and you get access to all current released versions, and those released in the next year.

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